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Science, Technology, Health

B.U.T. Chemistry

  • Duration

    6 semesters

  • Component

    Orléans University Institute of Technology

  • Location(s)



The University Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T) Chemistry program trains multi-skilled chemistry technicians. This vocational training leads to jobs as chemical technicians, with the possibility of management positions. The course also provides the essential foundations for integration into the business world, through disciplines such as communication/project management, IT and English.

The Orléans IUT offers 4 courses:

- Analysis, quality control, environment

- Synthesis chemistry

- Materials and formulated products

- Industrial chemistry

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The program displays 6 skills (or skill blocks, BC), 4 of which directly address the problems of the chemical technician's job:

BC1 - Analyze complex samples,

BC2 - Synthesize molecules,

BC3 - Develop materials and formulated products,

BC4 - Produce intermediate compounds and finished products.


Two other BCs are designed to help the future technician find the right position for his or her assignments within the company. In3rd year, the student retains just one of the 4 business skills, to reinforce his or her expertise.

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International dimension

Possibility of doing an internship abroad in the destination of your choice

Possibility of studying abroad: Click here to see destinations on offer

Further information international.iut45 @ univ-orleans.fr

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Knowledge control

Validation of semesters requires an average of 10 or more in each BC. Assessments take the form of supervised homework, practical work exams (TP) and learning and assessment situations (SAE), which are designed to assess the level of mastery of each skill through contextualized professional issues.

Overall, technological training in practical exercises and SAE represents 45% of training hours.

The course lasts 6 semesters, with each semester carrying 30 credits.

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Open on a sandwich basis

Alternate training possible from 3rd year onwards.

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By the end of their training, students will have completed between 22 and 24 weeks of internships, divided between2nd and3rd year, with most students opting for apprenticeships rather than3rd year internships.

Students can also spend a semester abroad as part of their mobility program.

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Specialist areas : synthetic chemistry, analytical chemistry, industrial chemistry, materials formulation

Cross-disciplinary subjects: project management, IT, communication, English

The training, based on the University Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T) Chemistry national curriculum, includes theoretical and practical teaching, mainly in Chemistry, but also in related disciplines such as Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science. Expression-Communication and English complete the curriculum.

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Admission requirements

BAC général : Physics-Chemistry (compulsory), Mathematics, Science and Technology (SVT), Information Systems (SI)

BAC STL: Physical and chemical laboratory sciences.

Reorientation : PASS and LAS, L1, CPGE

VAP (Validation des Acquis Professionnels), Continuing education

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How to register

1st year: Application on https://www.parcoursup.fr/  

2nd year: Application via https://ecandidat.univ-orleans.fr



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Tuition fees

For students:


For adults returning to school: Contact SEFCO.



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And then

Further studies

Holders of a University Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T) Chemistry degree with a good record can apply to engineering schools (ENS Chimie, ENSI, INSA), but can also continue their studies at university.

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Professional integration

The holder of a University Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T) chemistry degree is a multi-skilled senior technician involved in product control, research and manufacturing.

They work as laboratory technicians, production technicians and technical sales staff in a wide variety of sectors: fine chemicals, heavy chemicals, pharmaceuticals, agrifoods, cosmetics, environment, automotive, energy...

Working alongside engineers in large companies, he may find himself managing all chemistry-related activities on his own in small and medium-sized businesses.

Regardless of the path chosen, the 3rd year of University Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T) will be organized so as to enable students who so wish to follow the apprenticeship program.

At the end of the University Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T) program, you can either enter the workforce immediately, or continue your studies at an engineering school or university.

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