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Science, Technology, Health

B.U.T. Computer science

  • Duration

    6 semesters

  • Component

    Orléans University Institute of Technology

  • Location(s)



From September 2021, the Bachelor Universitaire de Technologie (University Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T)) replaces the DUT and becomes the reference diploma for IUTs.

The University Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T) Computer Science program prepares students for careers in computer science, with a focus on software development. The IUT's Computer Science department offers students a high-quality working environment. This nationally-recognized diploma combines theory and practice, enabling students to enter the business world quickly, or to pursue studies in engineering schools or Master's programs.

At the Orleans IUT, 1 course is offered: Application development: design, development, validation

To this end, the lessons are :

- to acquire knowledge, basic concepts and working methods,

- to facilitate the learning of these concepts and deploy professional know-how,

- to keep pace with technological advances and the demands of the professional world,

- open, to develop the communication skills that IT professionals need to do their jobs.

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Trained students must be able to take part in the design, production and implementation of IT systems that meet user needs.

To take on these responsibilities, computer scientists need to be technologically competent, familiar with the socio-economic environment in which they will be working, have a good general knowledge and be good communicators.

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International dimension

Possibility of doing an internship abroad in the destination of your choice

Possibility of studying abroad: Click here to see destinations on offer

Further information international.iut45 @ univ-orleans.fr

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Open on a sandwich basis

Alternate training possible from 2nd year onwards.

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8 to 10 weeks in 2nd year.

16 weeks in 3rd year.

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Specialist subjects: databases, algorithms, programming, web development, computer architecture, systems, networks...

Cross-disciplinary subjects: mathematics, communication, English, law, economics, management...

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Admission requirements

BAC Général (in order of priority) : Mathematics, NSI, other scientific specialties

BAC STI2D: Computer and Digital Systems (SIN)

VAP (Validation des Acquis Professionnels), Continuing education


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How to register

1st year: Application on https://www.parcoursup.fr/

2nd year: Application via https://ecandidat.univ-orleans.fr

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Tuition fees

For students:


For adults returning to school: Consult SEFCO.



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And then

Further studies

Possibility of continuing studies in engineering school or Master's degree.

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Professional integration

Graduates of University Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T) have a proven ability to adapt to different IT professions:

- programmer analysts,

- developers,

- management information systems,

- network managers,

- user assistance,

- website developers.

They work in service companies, production firms or non-profit organizations.

Positions held :

- assistant network architect,

- assistant database administrator,

- assistant project manager internet, intranet, extranet,

- webmaster,

- technical hotliner,

- developer, integrator,

- assistant safety officer...

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