6 semesters
Orléans University Institute of Technology
The University Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T) Quality, Industrial Logistics and Organization (QLIO ) trains university bachelors in technology (bac + 3), suitable for entry into industrial sectors (mechanical engineering, aeronautics, automotive, agri-food, pharmaceuticals, electronics, etc.) and services (transport, health, humanitarian aid, mass distribution, administration, etc.).
The University Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T) QLIO program focuses on organizing the production of goods and services, managing information flows and controlling the quality of products and processes.
At the Orléans IUT, 2 courses are available:
- Organization and Supply Chain
- Management of digital transformation
University graduates in this specialization are able to organize goods and services activities, manage physical and information flows, and manage companies through quality, whatever their sector of activity. These skills are designed to improve business performance and ensure operational excellence.
QLIO training also develops the human qualities of communication, teamwork and organizational skills. This prepares students for managerial positions and team leadership.
Both courses enable you to acquire skills in digitizing processes or in managing purchasing and distribution.
International dimension
Possibility of doing an internship abroad in the destination of your choice
Possibility of studying abroad: Click here to see destinations on offer
Further information international.iut45 @ univ-orleans.fr
Knowledge control
The entire program is geared to competency-based learning.
Training takes the form of lectures, tutorials and practical work. The training is completed by SAé (Situation d'apprentissage et d'évaluation). These simulations enable newly acquired skills to be put to use. Situations and practical work account for over 50% of the training volume. This apprenticeship system enables students to develop the skills they will need in their future jobs.
Open on a sandwich basis
Alternating 2nd and 3rd years possible.
Internships take place over the 3 years:
- 2 weeks University Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T) 1
- 13 weeks University Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T) 2 minimum
- 16 weeks University Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T) 3 minimum
Business subjects: quality, logistics and organization
Cross-disciplinary subjects: mathematics, IT, communication, English, economics
Admission requirements
BAC S (SVT, SI, Physics, Mathematics),
BAC ES or equivalent.
How to register
1st year: Application on https://www.parcoursup.fr/
2nd year: Application via https://ecandidat.univ-orleans.fr
Tuition fees
For students:
For adults returning to school: Consult SEFCO.
Recommended prerequisites
- Logical thinking.
- Communicative.
- Common sense.
And then
Further studies
Apprenticeship engineering schools, specialized Masters (supply chain, operational excellence, quality, purchasing).
Professional integration
Professional integration in the fields of quality, supply chain, operational excellence or digitalization is expanding within companies.
Holders of a University Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T) QLIO have a proven ability to adapt to these jobs and integrate into project teams.
Positions open to holders of a University Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T) QLIO are available in all sectors of activity:
- Logistics agent (scheduling, planning, etc.), production unit manager,
- Logistics manager/coordinator (scheduling, procurement, flow, inventory and supply management),
- Global supply chain manager, methods and industrialization manager,
- Continuous improvement and operational performance coordinator,
- Internal auditor, supplier quality coordinator, product quality coordinator, health and safety coordinator
- Information systems project manager, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) data coordinator,
- Digital process coordinator and integrator.