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Science, Technology, Health

University Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T) MP Physical Measurement

  • Duration

    6 semesters

  • Component

    Bourges University Institute of Technology

  • Location(s)



The University Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T) Mesures Physiques program is designed to train multi-skilled senior technicians to design, carry out and operate all types of measurement in the fields of physics, chemistry, materials, electronics, IT, optics, mechanics and more. They work in research and development, production and quality control. This diploma is sought after by many companies.
Two courses are offered in Bourges:

  • MCPC : Matériaux et Contrôles Physico-Chimiques (Pyrotechnic materials coloring in 3rd year in partnership with Campus Pyrotechnie du futur)
  • TI : Instrumentation Techniques
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With the diploma University Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T) Mesures Physiques (level Bac+3, grade de Licence), you can either :

  • Enter the workforce with the skills and know-how companies are looking for.
  • Pursue your studies in an engineering school or Master's degree, with the theoretical and technical skills you need to become an engineer in a wide range of sectors: automotive, aeronautics, telecommunications, chemistry, materials, electronics, industrial IT, nuclear, new energies, the environment...
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Whatever the sector of activity, the Physical Measurement graduate is responsible for selecting, setting up and implementing the measurement chain, from the sensor to signal acquisition, data processing and transmission of results, in an economic, metrological and quality assurance context.

For the 2 courses, 5 skills are developed:
C1: Conduct a measurement campaign
C2: Deploy metrology and the quality approach
C3: Implement a measurement and instrumentation chain
C4: Characterize physical and chemical quantities and the properties of a material
C5: Define measurement specifications as part of an environmental approach
with specialization in skill 3 for the TI course and skill 4 for the MCPC course.
Applications to environmental measurements are proposed throughout the course.

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International dimension

Possibility of a semester in Montreal in 2nd year.
Possibility of an internship abroad.

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Useful contacts


Knowledge control

Assessment is based on continuous assessment.

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Special features

  • Personalized assistance is offered in semester 1 in Mathematics and Electricity.
  • Boost'n bridge, a special program to help students succeed in their first year at University Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T) , is a special coaching program designed to help students get back up to speed and/or gain the confidence they need to succeed in University Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T) with a streamlined program in parallel with the University Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T) 1st year program (https://www.univ-orleans.fr/iut-bourges/formation/boostnbridge).
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2000 hours over the 3-year course (lectures, practical sessions, practical work/SAE) + 600 hours (projects)
Project management, study and implementation of technical projects, work placements
Students follow a 3-year course after the baccalauréat and acquire multidisciplinary skills enabling them to be versatile and relevant in situations involving the design, analysis, expertise and production of measurement chains and systems in a wide range of scientific fields:
- Chemistry, materials
- Physics
- Electronics
- Metrology, sensors
- Optics
- Fluid mechanics
- Thermodynamics
- Computer science

MCPC pathway:
This pathway provides future graduates with skills in the control and characterization of material properties and structures, and in chemical and physico-chemical analysis.
The skills developed in this pathway make it suitable for companies and organizations with testing and control laboratories or physico-chemical analysis departments for materials and chemicals.

TI pathway:
This pathway provides future graduates with skills in measurement systems, physics (Electronics, Acoustics and Vibration, Photonics) and instrumentation computing.
The skills developed in this pathway make it ideally suited to companies and organizations with testing, instrumentation and industrial control laboratories.

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Admission requirements

  • Bacs généraux with at least one of the following scientific and technical specialties: Physics-Chemistry, Mathematics, Engineering Sciences, Numerical and Computer Sciences, Life and Earth Sciences
  • Bacs STI2D & STL or equivalent.
  • Initial, sandwich or continuing training
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How to register

Admission to 1st year
- For baccalaureate holders or students changing course, follow the Parcoursup procedure (https://www.univ-orleans.fr/fr/iut-bourges/candidater-sinscrire/candidater)

Admission to 2nd and 3rd years
Students in CPGE preparatory courses, integrated preparatory courses, PASS, L1, L2 in science and technology, BTS (measurement trades, chemistry trades, CIRA, bio-analysis and control, materials processing, water trades, photonic systems, ionizing radiation control, nuclear environment, etc.).

⇒ Apply on e-candidat and choose the TI and/or MCPC pathway (Initial and/or Apprenticeship)
⇒ 2 recruitment commissions during the year (March/April and June)

Reorientation / Admission during training : 

Semesters completed in other courses (CPGE Prep, Integrated Prep, PASS, L1, BTS, etc.) can be validated for entry to the 2nd semester of the current year: application to be made via eCandidat
o Create an account on the eCandidat application.
o Filter by "Reorientation"
o Choose the course you wish to apply for and submit the required supporting documents, then click "Submit my application".

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Target audience

Holders of a general baccalaureate in science or technology (STL or STI2D), an equivalent level of study or validation of prior learning.
For top-level sportsmen and sportswomen, possibility of special educational arrangements.
This training course is aimed at candidates :

- Interested in physical sciences, chemistry, materials, electronics, electricity...
- Enjoy hands-on work, experimentation, measurements, laboratory
- Enjoy working in a group and carrying out projects

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Tuition fees

And then

Further studies

Master's degree

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Professional integration

The University Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T) MP diploma is sought after by companies, which offer numerous job opportunities. This diploma provides training for :

Technicien de recherche et formation
Technicien de laboratoire de recherche et développement
Technicien d'essais
Technicien en métrologie
Technicien acoustique
Technicien d'instrumentation scientifique
Technicien en conception de chaîne de mesures
Technicien en pilotage d'instruments de mesure
Technicien mesures optiques
Technicien en mesures physiques et essais
Technicien en caractérisation des matériaux
Technicien en mesures physiques en recherche-development
Physical-chemical analysis laboratory technician
Experimental techniques technician
Testing laboratory technician
Environmental measurement technician
Forensics technician
Research engineering assistant, research and development

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