Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
The Professional Degree Cartography, Topography and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) program aims to train technicians with the skills needed to participate in the implementation, management and development of territories using geographic information systems.
Given the development of cutting-edge technologies in these fields, it has become essential for GIS users (elected representatives, government bodies, network managers, etc.) to have access to accurate, reliable cartographic documents produced by true professionals.
Skills acquired
- Good knowledge of geomatics and geographic information;
- Search, sort, analyze and prioritize geographic information in database format;
- Designing automated processing models in Python script ;
- The creation of topographic and thematic maps that meet the requirements of all GIS users;
- Implementing GIS applications on the web using software - Open Source, OGC Standards ;
- The use of new geographic data acquisition techniques (laser scanner, Georadar and Drone).
Useful contacts
Tel: 02 38 41 71 72
E-mail : doip[at]
Special features
Partnership with the Lycée des Métiers Gaudier-Brzeska
Theoretical training Cycle d'accueil - Mise à niveau: 66 hours
- General mapping
- Statistics
- Technical English
- Introduction to GIS
Cartography and computer-aided drafting: 70 hours
- Thematic mapping
- Cadastre and land law
- Computer-aided design
- Editing cartography
Geographical sciences and computer science: 80 hours
- Topography
- GPS topography
- Photogrammetry - Orthophotography
- IT and networks
Territorial management vocational training: 60 hours
- Rural and urban planning - Town planning
- Applied geographic information systems
- Spatial analysis
Geographic information systems: 68 hours
- GIS - Organization and methods
- Applied geographic information systems
- WEB GIS - Cartography (HTML, PHP)
IT: 58 hours
- Computing and programming (Visual Basic)
- Database management system - SQL (Access)
- Open Source (cartography and GIS)
Tutored project: 125 hours Internship: 16 weeks
Admission requirements
Professional Degree is aimed at students with 2 years of higher education:
- 2 years University Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T) informatique
- BTS Aménagement paysager
- BTS gestion forestière;
- BTS Métiers du géomètre-topographe et de la modélisation numérique
- Licence 2 en Géographie
- Licence 2 en sciences de la terre
- University Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T) génie civil
- DUT Carrières sociales - option Gestion urbaine
- DUT statistique et informatique décisionnelle- L2 de géographie, d'aménagement, d'informatique,
- BTS géomètre topographe
- BTS A, BTS gestion forestière
- or any other training related to geographic information.
Training accessible through validation of prior learning (VAE) and validation of personal and professional experience (VAPP).
Training open to apprenticeships
How to register
Selection is based on an application.
Download the application form at the following address:
Tuition fees
For students:
For adults returning to school, for professionalization contracts, for VAE; consult SEFCO
And then
Professional integration
Target professions
- Mapping and
topography technician
- Project manager for updating
spatial reference data using
topography techniques and GPS
- Technician in forest management
- Technician in geomatics
- Project manager for metadatadonnées
- Chargé d'étude en géomatique
- Assistant ingénieur en SIG
- Technicien en GPN
- Technicien en DICT
- Technicien en gestion de bases de données
- Agent de création et valorisation des
données SIG
- Expert salarié
Target sectors
Local authorities (communes, communities of
communes and agglomerations, departmental councils
and regional councils, syndicates)
- State services, ONF, BRGM, DREAL, chambers
- Town planning agencies
- Surveyors and topographers
- Engineering firms
- Associations, forest management organizations, hunting federations
- Construction companies
- Water and energy suppliers
- Insurance companies
- Marketing agencies