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Law, Economics, Management

Professional Degree Gestion des Organisations Agricoles et Agroalimentaires - Agricultural Enterprise and Risk Management

  • Component

    Bourges University Institute of Technology

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The objectives of the course are to :

- Train middle managers to act as the interface between producer and consumer, guaranteeing the former a balance between quality, cost and risk, and the latter product traceability.

- Enable future agricultural professionals (farmers, professional advisors, etc.) to acquire a genuine risk culture, giving them the means to identify risks, react to them in full compliance with regulations, and anticipate the risk effect to minimize its impact on the business.




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The aim is to ensure that graduates have sufficient knowledge to deal with the risks associated with agricultural activity, and are equipped to gather and exploit complementary information.


They must be able to :

- identify risks and anticipate reactions to them (knowledge of the legislative and regulatory framework, management and taxation in the agricultural world);

- anticipate the risk effect on businesses; minimize the impact of the risk effect on agricultural businesses (ability to implement solutions that are economically viable and socially bearable for the business, while respecting sustainable development).

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Useful contacts



Tel: +33 (0)2 48 23 80 75



02 38 41 71 72

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Special features

Training in partnership with the Établissement Public Local d'Enseignement et de Formation Professionnelle Agricoles Centre de Formation Professionnelle et de Promotion Agricoles (CFPPA) de Bourges.

250 hours of teaching by professionals

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The bachelor's degree is organized around two blocks: knowledge and general culture, and knowledge and risk management in agricultural businesses.

Semester 1                            

UE1 Communication             

                M11 Communication techniques (30h)

                M12 Sales techniques (30h)

                M13 Laboratory language (20h)

                M13b Foreign languages and culture (20h)

UE2 Legal framework              

                M21 Legal foundations and organization (30h)      

                M22 Rural law (30h)

UE3 Assessing and interpreting the risk effect within the company            

                M31 Approaches to Risk (30h)

                M32 Rural economics and sociology of life (30h)

UE4 Public intervention in risk management.              

                M41 Economic, financial and labor risks. (35h)

                M42 Health and environmental risks. (35h)


                Semester 2       

UE5 The risk effect on life science companies.     

                M51 Company diagnosis (50h)

                M52 Forecasting (50h)

                M53 Specific risk management tools. (50h)

UE6 Tutored project    

UE7 Internship  


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Admission requirements

The program is open to students holding :
- L2 Droit Economie Gestion
- DUT Gestion Comptabilité
- BTS ACSE (Analyse et Conduite des Systèmes d'Exploitation)
- BTS Bioanalyses et contrôles
- BTS Production animale-Production végétale-Sciences et technique d'alimentation, Viticulture-oenologie, Biologie-Biochimie...)
- BTS Gestion Assurances Comptabilité

Training accessible through validation of prior learning (VAE) and validation of personal and professional experience (VAPP).

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How to register

Selection is based on an application.


Download the application form at the following address:


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Tuition fees

For students:


For adults returning to school; consult SEFCO.



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And then

Professional integration

Organizations, Professions:
Advisor in management and rural economy organizations
Legal, administrative and management assistant in cooperatives
Advisor in agricultural financing and insurance organizations
Advisor in private companies in the agri-food sector

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