Bourges University Institute of Technology
Be immediately operational in a social welfare organization,
Master the specific complexity of social welfare management professions,
Enable greater mobility in social welfare management professions.
Skills acquired
By the end of the course, students should be familiar with the architecture and organization of the French social protection system, its players and its main systems. They should be able to rapidly research and update information, and work on projects and/or individual follow-up with a wide range of people. In particular, they must be proficient in legal analysis (family law, contract law, liability law, labor law), familiar with social institutions, how they operate, the systems in place, the target groups and the major issues currently facing social protection, and be able to manage the rights and data of insured persons, while knowing how to adapt to different target groups.
Useful contacts
Contact : bri.iut18[at]
Tel: +33 (0)2 48 23 80 75
02 38 41 71 72
Special features
This Professional Degree event is organized in partnership with social institutions such as CAF, CPAM, URSSAF, MSA, CCAS, UNEDIC, CRF (Centre Régional de Formation), Mutualité Française, Conseil Départemental...
220 hours of teaching by professionals
The first semester (September-February) is entirely devoted to courses and group work, while the second (February-June) is designed to progress towards professionalization and integration, with the completion of tutored projects in February and the start of internships in early March, lasting until the end of June.
- UE 1 Environnement juridique et social (94h)
- UE 2 Mécanismes de l'Intervention Sociale (133h)
- UE 3 Politiques de l'Intervention Sociale (120h)
- UE 4 Formation Générale (70h)
- UE 5 Projet tutoré (150h)
- UE 6 Stage (16 semaines)
Admission requirements
This Professional Degree has few equivalents at any level, recruiting not only nationally, but also regionally and locally, with students from L2, L3 (law, SHS), DUT (CS, GEA) and BTS training (ESF, SP3S). The bachelor's degree is not widely duplicated in the region.
Training accessible through validation of prior learning (VAE) and validation of personal and professional experience (VAPP)
How to register
Selection is based on an application.
Download the application form at the following address:
Tuition fees
For students;
For adults returning to school; consult SEFCO.
For apprenticeship training :
And then
Professional integration
The bachelor's degree is highly attractive to anyone wishing to work in social administration. It has no recruitment problems, and students (both initial and continuing training) are highly motivated and hard-working. The number of students has remained constant (between 25 and 30 each year), the number of applications has stabilized at around 160 since 2010, and the quality of applications has improved.
The national recruitment of students is also an asset, as it enables professional recruitment to be spread across the entire
territory, helping to spread the program's reputation.
Target sectors
Institutions, organizations, local authorities and associations in charge of social protection.
Cross-functionality is the cornerstone of the system: professionals can move to different social institutions over the course of their career, ensuring greater job mobility.
Target professions
Career opportunities vary from one organization to another: file manager, technical advisor, reception correspondent, editor, coordinator, controller, executive manager, project manager, executive attaché...