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Human and Social Sciences

Professional Degree Environmental protection and management Water management and territorial development (GEDT) course

  • Component

    Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

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The Professional Degree MPGEparcours " Gestiondel'EauetDéveloppementdeses Territoires" (GEDT) at the Université d'Orléans enables students to acquire the technical and scientific skills essential to the job of project manager and technician in the environmental field, and more specifically in water-related areas (rivers, water bodies, wetlands).

The originality of this course lies in its "water territories" approach, combining the skills of the natural and social sciences. 

The aim of the LP year is to broaden a range of knowledge, and to rub shoulders with people from different backgrounds and educational backgrounds, all of which are sources of personal enrichment and a way of challenging acquired knowledge.

This Professional Degree is available in initial, continuing and sandwich courses.

LP video presentation: https://uomedia.univ-orleans.fr/videos/licence-professionnelle-gedt/

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- the sociological consideration of human needs,
- the relationship between quantity and quality,
- the physical nuances between flowing and still waters,
- scientific territorial communication
- the development of new economic spheres

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Useful contacts





Tel: 02 38 41 71 72

E-mail :



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Special features

Work-linked training

Numerous partnerships with :

Local authorities - Design offices - Companies specializing in water or the environment (management, quality, quantity, networks) - Consulting firms...

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The course is divided into 2 semesters, organized around a work-study schedule. A total of 300 hours of classes are taught between September and February, plus 150 hours of tutorials.

A minimum 16-week internship is required. The internship culminates in a dissertation and an oral presentation.

Work-study students spend 3 periods on site during the year and a fourth between February and August, during which they also prepare their apprenticeship dissertations. Both initial and continuing training courses carry out a tutored project during the training year.

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Admission requirements

2 years' higher education

Holders of a BTS GPN or GEMEAU, holders of a licence 2 in geography or Earth Sciences, holders of a DUT in Biological Engineering, holders of a Bac+2 in the field of the environment with a confirmed professional project in the field of water management

An in-depth awareness of several of the themes present in the training course (hydrology, limnology, hydrogeology, management, economic valorisation, networks, sanitation, MAE) is required (technical and/or theoretical vision), and knowledge of GIS is required.

application via the E-Candidat platform. 100% paperless application                                                                                                                                                              

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How to register

- Download the application form at the following address:



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Tuition fees

For students:


For adults returning to school and for professionalization contracts, consult SEFCO.

For apprenticeship training :


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And then

Further studies

Career opportunities:

Technician in a water-environment consultancy
Cartographic technician
Agri-environment technician
Environmental studies officer
Planning officer
Environmental assistant-engineer
SAGE coordinator
Watershed coordinator
Heritage enhancement officer
River technician
Environmental coordinator in local authorities and associations
Technician-level salaried or self-employed expert

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