4 semesters
Faculty of Law, Economics & Management
The Master's degree in Business Administration and Management offers three typical courses:
- Business Administration (AE) ;
- Management of Health, Cosmetics and Food Processing Companies (MESC2A) ;
- Management Research and Consulting ;
The aim of the Business Administration program is to provide general management training to enable non-specialists, whether students or working executives, to acquire complementary or dual skills to facilitate their professional integration and/or career development.
This course is only offered in the 2nd year of the Master's program. This course is recognized and appreciated by companies, which are increasingly looking to fill positions requiring both expertise in a particular field (law, engineering, chemistry, IT, etc.) and general knowledge of management techniques. The aim is to train multi-skilled executives with a broad and diversified knowledge base, capable of rapidly assuming management positions thanks to their strategic vision, entrepreneurial approach and cross-functional skills, and able to manage a project or activity in its entirety.
At the end of the AE course, the graduate will be able to :
- Setting up dashboards ;
- Calculate ratios, interpret accounts and diagnose
the financial position of an economic entity ;
- Carry out a commercial and competitive analysis (study of
marketing (marketing plan), strategic and business
make strategic recommendations ;
- Manage a project or activity in its entirety, interfacing with various functions within the company;
- Communicate externally and/or internally using various media;
- Manage a team and apply interpersonal skills ;
- Recruiting, integrating and evaluating employees;
- Understanding and applying legislation.
The knowledge transmitted: theoretical knowledge (disciplinary or cross-disciplinary) and practical knowledge to be mobilized:
- Strategic diagnosis
- Marketing plan
- Negotiation techniques
- Dashboards and ratios
- Accounting and financial analysis techniques
- Company legal status
- Database software
- Project management
- Team management methods
Transmitted technical and methodological know-how: applying knowledge to carry out a task
- Design of steering tools (interpreting balance sheets and income statements, calculating ratios), management tools (applying analysis and team management techniques), decision-making tools (carrying out market research, marketing strategy, internal diagnostics);
- Information processing (documentary research, field studies)
- Project planning and execution (using project management tools, running meetings with agendas, taking minutes, finding partners, developing communication tools, etc.).
Useful contacts
UFR DEG International Relations Office :
Tel: +33(0) 2 38 49 47 30
02 38 41 71 72
Knowledge control
Teaching units are assessed by continuous assessment and/or written and oral final exams. They are definitively acquired once the student has obtained an average grade, and are assigned a coefficient and European credits. Compensations are made over the semester on the basis of the overall average of grades obtained in the various teaching units, weighted by coefficients. Two assessment sessions are organized for each semester.
Special features
The "Administration des Entreprises" Master's degree can be taken as part of a lifelong learning program, offering managers with proven experience or job-seekers the opportunity to enroll in the program. The course has been specially adapted, with classes only taking place from 5pm onwards and on Saturday mornings, to enable adults in continuing education to reconcile their professional activity with their attendance at the Master's course. This procedure has proved highly successful, with 50% of the students in the "Administration des Entreprises" Master's program being adults on continuing education courses.
The "Administration des Entreprises" Master's degree enjoys a very high profile, and at the same time benefits from the existence of a large network of alumni occupying high-level positions in national and international companies in both the private and public sectors.
Master 2 Management and Business Administration - Business Administration (AE) course
Teaching unit |
Coefficient/Credits |
Hours Lecture courses |
Hours Lectures Tutorial |
Semester 9 | |||
General accounting |
3 |
20 |
- |
Basic and corporate law |
3 |
20 |
- |
Corporate strategy |
3 |
20 |
- |
Fundamental marketing |
3 |
20 |
- |
Information system |
2 |
16 |
- |
Production management |
3 |
20 |
- |
Cost accounting |
3 |
20 |
- |
Project management |
2 |
15 |
- |
Marketing challenge |
5 |
- |
25 |
English |
3 |
- |
14 |
Semester 10 | |||
Theoretical block | |||
Corporate Finance |
2 |
20 |
- |
Quantitative decision-support methods |
2 |
16 |
- |
Human Resources Management |
2 |
20 |
Communication and behavior |
2 |
16 |
- |
Commercial negotiation |
2 |
16 |
- |
Controlling |
2 |
20 |
- |
Digital marketing |
2 |
16 |
- |
People management |
2 |
16 |
- |
Employment law |
2 |
16 |
- |
English |
2 |
- |
15 |
Business Game: Designing financial and extra-financial management systems for organizations |
3 |
18 |
- |
Stage block |
Internship |
7 |
- |
- |
Admission requirements
The conditions of access to the AE program differ according to the students concerned: - students in initial training (excluding Polytech'Orleans students) are required to take the IAE-Message score; they are selected by the head of the course after studying their application file; - Polytech'Orleans students are selected on the basis of their results at the engineering school and their letter of motivation; the selection is made jointly by the head of the Master AE course and the Polytech'Orleans correspondent for the AE course; - continuing education students holding a Master 1 degree are selected on the basis of their application file and an interview with the head of training; for continuing education students not holding a Master 1 degree, selection includes a 2-hour written test, followed by an interview with the head of the specialization.
How to register
Admission to M2 :
Admission to the 2nd year Master's program is selective via the e-candidat application
Tuition fees
For students:
For adults returning to school, on a professional training contract, or for VAE, consult SEFCO.
And then
Professional integration
Career opportunities for the AE pathway are extremely varied, depending on the graduates' initial training. By way of illustration, we can mention the following professions:
- Management Controller
- Purchasing and inventory manager
- Project Manager
- R&D
- Consulting and design
- Trainer
- Sales manager, technical sales representative
- Quality Manager
- Marketing Research Manager
- Human Resources Manager
- Chief Financial Officer
- Retail manager
- Project Manager
- Project engineer