- Master 2 French and International Business Law (DAFI)
- Master 2 Management and Business Administration - Business Administration (AE) course
- Master 2 Management and Business Administration - Health, Cosmetics and Agri-food Business Management (MESC2A) course
- Master 2 Management and Business Administration - Management research and consultancy specialization -
- MASTER Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest - Integrative Biology and Global Change (IGBC) course
- MASTER Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest - Forests and Wood Mobilization (FMB) course
- MASTER in Automation and Robotics (MARS)
- MASTER Chemistry - Bioactives and Cosmetics (BC) specialization
- MASTER Chemistry - Analytical Chemistry and Quality Assurance (C2AQ) specialization
- MASTER Chemistry - Organic Therapeutic Chemistry (COT) specialization
- MASTER Chemistry - Sustainable Development and Energy Transition (D2TE) specialization
- MASTER CHEMISTRY - Minerve Excellence Course - GPEX
- Master of Accounting, Controlling and Auditing - Accounting, Controlling and Auditing specialization
- Master of Management Control and Organizational Audit - Management Control and Corporate Finance specialization
- Master of Business Law - Business and Tax Law (DAF) specialization
- Master's degree in private law and estate planning (D-IPAT)
- Master of Private Law - Civil and Judicial Law course (DCJ)
- Master of Public Law - Public Law and Litigation course (DCP)
- Master of Public Law - Law and Management of Public Administration and Action (DMAAP) course
- Master of Public Law - Local management of cultural heritage (GLPC) course
- Master's degree in public law - Political support specialization (MAP)
- Master's degree in public law Construction, urban planning and development course
- Master's degree in labor law and human resources management (DSGRH)
- Master's degree in econometrics and applied statistics (ESA)
- Master's degree in International Economics
- Master Economie internationale (International Economics) - Minerve Excellence Course - GPEX
- Master's degree in Geography, Planning, Environment and Development - Sustainable Local and Solidarity Development course
- Master's degree in Geography, Planning, Environment and Development - Water and Territories (W&T) course
- Master Geography, Planning, Environment and Development - Minerve Excellence Course - GPEX
- MASTER History - Political support professions: communication (MAP-COM)
- MASTER History - MEMPHIS course - Professions in the study, mediation and promotion of History
- MASTER History - MEPOCS - Memories, Powers, Cultures, Societies specialization
- MASTER in Computer Science
- MASTER Computer Science - Minerve Excellence Course - GPEX
- Master Languages and Societies - Intercultural Mediation and Research (MIR) course
- Master Languages and Societies - Translation and Multilingual Communication specialization
- Master Langues Etrangères Appliquées - Languages and International Management (LAMI) course
- Master Langues Etrangères Appliquées - Languages, Business, International Trade (LACI) course
- Master Lettres - Creative writing course
- Master Lettres - Research course
- Master of Information Systems Management (MSI) - Data Sciences and Strategy specialization
- Master Marketing, Sales - Events and Digital Communication, Sport and Culture specialization
- Master Marketing, Sales - Product and Innovative Solutions Marketing (MPSI)
- MASTER Applied Mathematics, Statistics - Statistics & Data science, Mathematical engineering course
- MASTER Applied Mathematics, Statistics - Statistics & Data science course, Mathematical Engineering - Exellence Minerve Gpex course
- MASTER Mathematics and Applications
- Master of Mechanical Engineering
- MASTER in Computer-Assisted Business Management (MIAGE) - Distributed Information Systems (SIR) specialization
- MASTER in Computer-Assisted Business Management (MIAGE) - Information Systems for Social, Insurance and Banking Professions (SIMSAB) course
- MASTER Métiers de l'Enseignement, de l'Education et de la Formation (MEEF) "1er degré" (1st degree)
- MASTER in Teaching, Education and Training (MEEF) 2nd level English course
- MASTER Métiers de l'enseignement, de l'éducation et de la formation (MEEF) 2nd degree Physical and Sports Education course
- MASTER in teaching, education and training (MEEF) 2nd degree Spanish course
- MASTER in Teaching, Education and Training (MEEF) 2nd level History-Geography specialization
- MASTER in teaching, education and training (MEEF) 2nd degree Humanities course
- MASTER in teaching, education and training (MEEF) 2nd degree Mathematics course
- MASTER in teaching, education and training (MEEF) 2nd degree Physics Chemistry course
- MASTER in teaching, education and training (MEEF) 2nd level Life and earth sciences (MEEF-SVT)
- MASTER Métiers de l'Enseignement, de l'Education et de la Formation (MEEF) Educational Management specialization
- MASTER in Teaching, Education and Training (MEEF) Training Practices and Engineering (PIF)
- Master Monnaie, Banque, Finance, Assurance - Professional Advisors and Wealth Management (CPGP) course
- Master's degree in money, banking, finance and insurance - Risk management and green finance (GRFV) course
- MASTER Applied Physics and Engineering Physics - Expertise, Metrology, Diagnostics (EMD) course
- MASTER Applied Physics and Engineering Physics - Instrumentation and Control, Systems Management (ICMS) specialization
- MASTER Fundamental Physics and Applications - Minerve Excellence Course - GPEX
- MASTER Fundamental Physics and Applications - Matter and Radiation specialization
- MASTER Fundamental Physics and Applications - Space Sciences and Applications (SSA) specialization
- Master Risks and Environment - Chemistry, Pollution, Risks, Environment (CPRE) course
- Master Risks and Environment - Sustainable Vehicles and Energy Systems (VSED) specialization
- Master of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Environment - Minerve Excellence Course - GPEX
- Master of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Environment - GEODATA course
- Master's degree in Earth and Planetary Sciences, Environment - Georesources, Geomaterials and Geodynamics course
- Master's degree in Earth and Planetary Sciences, Environment - Polluted Sites and Soils - Environmental Diagnosis course (SSP-DE)
- Master Sciences du Langage - Course - Didactics (FLE/FLM/FLS) and digital (DN)
- Master's degree in Language Sciences - Linguistic Analysis and Processing (ATL) course
- Master of Life Sciences - Biotechnology, Biology and Health (BBS) specialization
- Master of Life Sciences - Minerve Excellence Course - GPEX
- Master in Life Sciences - Health, Cosmetics and Agri-food Business Management (MESC2A) course
- Master STAPS Activité Physique Adaptée-Santé (APA-S): INgénierie de l'Activité physique, Pathologies chroniques et Personnes Agées (INAPPA) course
- Master STAPS Engineering and Ergonomics of Physical Activity (IEAP) Ergonomics of Motricity course (ERGOMOT)
- Master STAPS Management du sport: "Aménagement, Management et Valorisation évènementielle des espaces Sportifs et de Loisir" (AMVSL) course
- Master STAPS in Training and Optimization of Sports Performance (EOPS)
- Master STAPS in Training and Optimization of Sports Performance (EOPS) - Minerva Excellence Course - GPEX
- Master Transport, mobility, networks