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Science, Technology, Health

MASTER Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest - Integrative Biology and Global Change (IGBC) course

  • Duration

    4 semesters

  • Component

    Faculty of Science & Technology

  • Location(s)



The "Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest" master's degree is divided into two courses: BICG "Biologie Intégrative et Changements Globaux" (Integrative Biology and Global Change) and FMB "Forêts et Mobilisation des Bois" (Forests and Wood Mobilization).

The general aim of the "Integrative Biology and Global Change" pathway is to train students, through research, in the structure and functioning of natural, agricultural and forest ecosystems, in the context of global change.

The integrative approach that characterizes the BICG pathway takes into account several scales of study: gene, cell, organism, population, species, community, ecosystem and landscape. The courses offered cover the fields of genetics and evolution, ecology, the biology and physiology of plant and insect adaptation, and the management of natural and anthropized environments.

In Master 1, students complete a 2-month research internship in the second semester (semester 7).

In Master 2, the second semester is entirely devoted to a 6-month research internship (semester 10).


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Useful contacts

Faculty of Science & Technology
Biology - Biochemistry Department
1 rue de Chartres - 45067 ORLEANS CEDEX 2

Head of specialization and M1 Director of Studies:
Stéphanie Bankhead 
stephanie.bankhead @ univ-orleans.fr

M2 Director of Studies :
Aurélien Sallé 
aurelien.salle @ univ-orleans.fr

Department secretary :

Schooling :

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Special features

Students who so wish can spend one or more semesters at a foreign university, after preparing their itinerary with the Director of Studies.
Students also have the option of doing their internships abroad, in or outside Europe.

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MASTER 1 BICG course :

Semester 7

EU Landscape ecology (EC 1: Landscape ecology concepts; EC 2: Remote sensing and GIS; EC 3: Urban ecology)

UE Plant - pest interactions (EC 1: Pests and general plant defense mechanisms; EC 2: Induced plant defenses and pest adaptation)

UE Molecular biology and genomics (EC 1: Regulation of expression in eukaryotes; EC 2: Genomics: tools and applications in physiology and ecology)

EU Evolutionary biology and population genetics

EU Environmental influences on plant development

UE Biostatistics 1

EU English

Semester 8

UE Phytosociology and phytoecology (EC 1: Freshwater phytosoecology; EC 2: Phytosociology and phytoecology)

UE Genetics and Plant Breeding (EC 1: Genetics 1; EC 2: Genetics 2)

EU Plant perception of climate change stresses

UE Agroecology and integrated protection

UE Bioassessment of environmental quality

EU Ecotoxicology and Phytomanagement

EU Project management

UE Research internship (2 months)


MASTER 2 BICG course :

Semester 9

UE Forests and climate change (EC 1: Challenges, consequences and levers for adaptation; EC 2: Forest health monitoring)

UE Behavioral biology and adaptation in insects

EU Population, community and ecosystem management (EC 1: Conservation biology; EC 2: Invasion biology; EC 3: Ecological networks)

UE Evolutionary biology and population genomics

UE Genomics for integrative biology (EC 1: Case study in forest ecosystem genomics; EC 2: Bioinformatics: discovery and applications in genomics)

UE Biostatistics 2

UE Databases and GIS

Semester 10

EU Research internship (6 months)


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How to register

Tuition fees

For students:


For adults returning to school; consult SEFCO.




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Mandatory prerequisites

Access to M1:

Access by right for holders of a Bachelor's degree in Life Sciences, or Life and Earth Sciences, or Life Frontiers.

Admission to M2:

Candidates must have 60 ECTS from a first-year master's degree in Life Sciences.

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And then

Professional integration

Integrative Biology and Global Change Specialization :

  • Forest biodiversity consultant
  • Teacher-researcher (INRA, CNRS, IRD, CIRAD, IRSTEA, Universities)
  • Design office executive
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