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Science, Technology, Health

MASTER Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest - Forests and Wood Mobilization (FMB) course

  • Duration

    4 semesters

  • Component

    Faculty of Science & Technology

  • Location(s)



The "Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest" master's degree is divided into two courses: BICG "Biologie Intégrative et Changements Globaux" (Integrative Biology and Global Change) and FMB "Forêts et Mobilisation des Bois" (Forests and Wood Mobilization).

To meet the challenges posed by the forestry-wood industry and forest areas in general, the "Forests and Wood Mobilization" course aims to train students in the functioning and management of forest ecosystems to ensure their sustainable exploitation, both from a biological point of view and in terms of the role of players at different scales. It offers multi-disciplinary training, combining theoretical and technical concepts, with plenty of practical fieldwork.

The FMB course enables students to acquire skills in :

  • Design and implementation of tools, methods and services in the forestry sector, in particular optimizing the harvesting and removal of wood from the forest.
  • Sustainable management of forest ecosystems, taking into account not only wood products but also the ecosystem services provided by forests (preservation of biodiversity, carbon sequestration).
  • The ability to adapt to a changing environment (new technologies, climate change, etc.).

The IGN (Institut national de l'information géographique et forestière), the LEGTA (Lycée d'enseignement général et technologique) Le Chesnoy - Les Barres de Nogent-sur-Vernisson and the INRAE EFNO (Ecosystèmes Forestiers de Nogent-sur-Vernisson) research unit are our partners for this course and coordinate certain teaching units.

The second year of the Master's program is an apprenticeship only (no initial training).


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The FMB pathway leads to a wide range of careers, including: production engineer in a cooperative, design engineer, timber sales manager, procurement manager, forestry company executive, executive in a forestry cooperative, data and geographic information system manager, forestry manager, forestry expert, project or production manager, sector manager.

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Useful contacts

Faculty of Science & Technology
Biology - Biochemistry Department
1 rue de Chartres - 45067 ORLEANS CEDEX 2

Head of specialization and M1 Director of Studies :
Stéphanie Bankhead
stephanie.bankhead @ univ-orleans.fr

M2 Director of Studies :
Aurélien Sallé
aurelien.salle @ univ-orleans.fr

Forestry and Wood Mobilization contacts

Stéphanie Bankhead - stephanie.bankhead @ univ-orleans.fr
Stéphanie Wurpillot -  stephanie.wurpillot @ univ-orleans.fr
Icham Benhaddi - icham.benhaddi @ educagri.fr

Department secretary :
secretariat-bio.st @ univ-orleans.fr

Schooling : 

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MASTER 1 FMB course :

Semester 7

EU Landscape ecology (EC 1: Landscape ecology concepts; EC 2: Remote sensing and GIS)

UE Field school (forest management)

UE Forest service and transport logistics

EU Wood quality and grading

UE Modelling and databases

UE Biostatistics 1

EU English

Semester 8

EU Phytosociology and phytoecology (EC 2: Phytosociology and phytoecology)

UE Genetics and Plant Breeding (EC 1: Genetics 1)

UE Databases, GIS, Spatial analysis and cartography

EU Impact of mobilization on the environment

UE Forest stand dynamics and modeling

UE Territorial analysis, management plan

UE Forestry law and economics


MASTER 2 FMB course :

Semester 9

UE Interactions between plants and pests (EC 1: Pests and general plant defense mechanisms)

UE Forests and climate change (EC 1: Challenges, consequences and levers for adaptation; EC 2: Forest health monitoring)

EU Population, community and ecosystem management (EC 1: Conservation biology)

EU Mountain environment and wood mobilization

UE Forest management: using geomatics

UE Biostatistics 2

UE Introduction to business operations

Semester 10

EU Resource evaluation

UE Site operation and organization

UE Timber marketing and industry knowledge

UE Tutored project (EC 1: Course and methodology; EC 2: Independent tutored project in small groups)


EU Internship: 37 weeks of work-study internships, in periods of 2 continuous months or more, throughout the year. Dissertation defended at the end of August of the M2 academic year.

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How to register

Tuition fees

For students:


For adults returning to school; consult SEFCO.

For Master 2 apprenticeships :




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Mandatory prerequisites

Access to M1:

Licence Sciences de la Vie or Licence Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre or Professional Degree Métiers des ressources naturelles et de la forêt or Professional Degree Métiers du bois.

Admission to M2:

By application for students who have completed a Master 1 at another university, other than the "Forestry and Wood Mobilization" course at the University of Orléans.

Other cases: registrations after the VAE decision, a VAE commission will be set up each year with the heads of the teaching modules (the composition of this commission will be designated by the pedagogical and development council).

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And then

Professional integration

Forestry and Wood Mobilization Specialization :

  • Technical manager of a forestry cooperative
  • Operations manager
  • Forester
  • Forestry Consultant
  • Forestry expert
  • Forestry company manager
  • Business Manager
  • Public or private forest project manager
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