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Science, Technology, Health

MASTER Chemistry - Sustainable Development and Energy Transition (D2TE) specialization

  • Duration

    4 semesters

  • Component

    Faculty of Science & Technology


The Master's in Chemistry comprises four courses: 

  • Analytical Chemistry and Quality Assurance (C2AQ)
  • Bioactives and Cosmetics (BC)
  • Organic Chemistry and Therapeutics (COT)
  • Sustainable Development and Energy Transition (D2TE)


The BC, C2AQ, COT and D2TE-option Materials courses are open to Master 2 students on an apprenticeship basis.

The D2TE program trains managers with skills in risk management (chemical, industrial and nuclear), pollution control (diagnosis and treatment) and materials science (packaging, construction, coatings, etc.). In 2nd year, students can choose to specialize in the "Energy" or "Materials" option. The knowledge acquired is applicable in the energy industries or in the environmental and eco-design fields.

 Training location: Orléans


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- Basic training in chemistry provided by the common modules of the Chemistry Master's program
- Cross-disciplinary knowledge of energy/materials/environment in the D2TE program
- Advanced studies in "Energy" or "Materials" in M2, depending on the option chosen
- Energy: Production-Enhancement of energy (combustion, fossil fuels and alternative fuels), pollution and depollution (origin/process of formation, diagnosis/analysis, treatment), risk management (industrial, chemical, nuclear, waste, environmental impact)
- Materials : in-depth knowledge of materials (major classes of materials, structure-property relationships) for applications in the fields of: energy (renewable energy, low-carbon energy production, storage), pollution (mechanisms of interaction of gas-phase and liquid-phase pollutants with materials), sustainable development (choice of materials, life-cycle analysis, carbon balance, durability, recycling, etc.).

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Useful contacts

Faculty of Science & Technology - Chemistry Department
1, rue de Chartres - 45067 Orléans cedex 2

Department secretary : secretariat-chimie.st @ univ-orleans.fr
Tel: 02 38 41 72 50

Schooling : masters.st@univ-orleans.fr


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Special features

The 2nd year of this course is offered as an apprenticeship.

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Lessons learned


The first year ends with a 4-5 month internship in a professional environment.
The second year includes a research or entrepreneurship project (for students on apprenticeship contracts) and ends with a 6-month internship in a professional, industrial or academic environment, giving our graduates a strong practical experience.




The projects

Discovery of research : in the form of practical work in M1 (for all students) and in the form of a laboratory project in M2 (for students in initial training).

Company internships: energy production and storage, renewable energies (photovoltaics, hydrogen, etc.), environment (pollutant detection and treatment of polluted effluents, pollution control, HSE), transport, risk management, eco-design (packaging, ex-biomass products), construction, coatings, adhesives, composites...

Dissertation/Report : Carrying out a study assigned by the host company or laboratory (summarizing the results in a dissertation/report and presenting it to a jury).


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Admission requirements

The Master's degree in Chemistry D2TE is open to holders of a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry or Physics with a specialization in Chemistry, or a BUT3 in Chemistry (under certain conditions).

The 2nd year of the program is open to external candidates (based on applications and an interview) and holders of a 1st year Master's degree in Chemistry or an engineering diploma.

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How to register

 Applications for M1 should be sent to the following address: https: //www.monmaster.gouv.fr/master/universite-d-orleans/chimie-46?q=%20chime&institution=universit%C3%A9%20d%27Orl%C3%A9ans&position=0&layout=1 

M2 application to be sent to the following address: https: //ecandidat.univ-orleans.fr/


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Tuition fees

For students: https: //www.univ-orleans.fr/fr/univ/formation/droits-dinscriptions

For adults returning to school; consult SEFCO.
For apprenticeship training: https: //www.cfa-univ.fr/recherche-formation/



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And then

Professional integration

The jobs available are related to innovation, research and development, such as: industrial research and development engineer or technical manager, HSE test engineer, technical sales manager.

Graduates can also continue their studies with a doctoral thesis to qualify for jobs as researchers, teacher-researchers or research engineers.


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