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Science, Technology, Health

MASTER CHEMISTRY - Minerve Excellence Course - GPEX

  • Duration

    4 semesters

  • Component

    Faculty of Science & Technology


This master's program offers a " Minerve Excellence pathway ". This is a selective "Graduate Program ofExcellence", GPEx, which is part of the "MINERVE", the FRANCE 2030 project "Excellence in all its forms" obtained by the University of Orléans. Based on the classic disciplinary Master's course(s), and anchored in the research community of universities and research organizations, this program offers training reinvented BY and FOR Research, with a focus on multidisciplinarity and digital technology, leading to a career as a research engineer or researcher through a doctorate.

Students selected for the Minerve GPEx Excellence pathway will benefit from :

- personalized modularity of teaching: 80% of courses from the chosen disciplinary Master's program, 20% of high-level complementary units offered "à la carte", to be chosen from other Master's programs, and 20% of additional trans- or inter-disciplinary units;

- access to innovative educational, technical and digital tools ;

-continuous immersion in a research laboratory/department during the Master's program;

- personalized support, developed as part of this project;

- a collaborative project mode ;

- an M1 excellence scholarship;

- funding to complete the M2 apprenticeship in a research laboratory.

In addition to the disciplinary Master's degree, this course will lead to the award of an additional DU "Diplôme Universitaire Minerve" (Minerva University Diploma ).

The Master's degree in Chemistry comprises four courses:

- Analytical Chemistry and Quality Assurance (C2AQ)

- Bioactives and Cosmetics (BC)

- Organic Chemistry and Therapeutics (COT)

- Sustainable Development and Energy Transition (D2TE)


The BC, C2AQ, COT and D2TE-option Materials courses are open to Master 2 students on an apprenticeship basis.

The Master's degree in Chemistry trains managers with specialized skills in analytical chemistry and quality (C2AQ), natural ingredients and their use in cosmetics (BC), organic synthesis (COT), chemical risk management, pollution control and materials (D2TE).



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The GPEx pathway is an à la carte pathway. It is based on one of the 4 Chemistry Master's courses (BC, C2AQ, COT or D2TE), but offers 20% differentiated teaching and specific training in research through laboratory projects. The 2nd year is an apprenticeship in a research laboratory.

For more details, see the course descriptions: https: //formation.univ-orleans.fr/fr/rechercher-des-formations.html 

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Useful contacts

Faculty of Science & Technology - Chemistry Department
1, rue de Chartres - 45067 Orléans cedex 2

Excellence Minerve GPEX program :
aide.minerve @ univ-orleans.fr

Department secretary :
secretariat-chimie.st @ univ-orleans.fr
Tel: 02 38 41 72 50

Schooling department :


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Special features

The 2nd year of this course is offered as an apprenticeship.

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Admission requirements

The Excellence Minerve GPEx program is particularly aimed at students interested in pursuing their studies towards a doctorate (Bac+8).

This Excellence Minerve Master's program recruits in M1 only for the 2-year Master's cycle. This path of excellence is demanding: an excellent disciplinary level is required, as well as a pronounced taste for research and multidisciplinarity, and a clear desire to pursue a career in research through a doctorate.

M1 access only:

  •  Admission to M1 for students holding a Bachelor's degree in the discipline or equivalent from any French university.
  • Admission to M1 by application for other students, in particular holders of another bachelor's degree from the school or other universities, a foreign equivalent or an adapted BUT3.

Maintenance available if required.

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How to register

Tuition fees

For students: https: //www.univ-orleans.fr/fr/univ/formation/droits-dinscriptions

For adults returning to school; consult SEFCO.
For apprenticeship training: https: //www.cfa-univ.fr/recherche-formation/



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And then

Professional integration

The GPEx course is particularly aimed at students interested in pursuing their studies towards a doctorate (Bac+8).

After obtaining a doctorate, the preferred professions are those of researcher in public or private establishments, or executive in charge of research and development in companies.


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