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Human and Social Sciences

Master's degree in Geography, Planning, Environment and Development - Sustainable Local and Solidarity Development course

  • Component

    Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

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The GAED Master's degree in Local and Solidarity-based Sustainable Development (DDLS) trains professionals to work for local authorities, public and semi-public institutions, as well as in the corporate world and the Social and Solidarity-based Economy (SSE), such as associations and NGOs. It imparts skills related to territorial development, with a focus on the local level. It focuses on solidarity practices within companies and territories, from the local to the international level.

Preparing students for positions such as local development officer, territorial development officer or territorial development project manager, the Master's program teaches how to manage a territorial development project, from the design of an overall strategy to its implementation; it provides knowledge and skills linked to spatial analysis, data collection and processing; it favors an active teaching approach, based on collective and individual projects.

In a globalized context, where ecological transition and climate change are key issues, the three components of "sustainable", "solidarity" and "local" development are approached in complementary ways. The Master's program prioritizes collaborative and solidarity-based local development practices, aiming to take greater account of citizens' initiatives alongside the action devolved to local authorities and institutions.

Finally, the master's degree prepares students for careers in research and higher education, with a view to pursuing a doctorate in geography and planning.

Master's video presentation: https://uomedia.univ-orleans.fr/videos/master-geo_IZuMWlrq/

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Training is organized around four skill blocks

  • Advice: assistance and advice for local players and elected representatives.
  • Design: conception, implementation and development of collective action frameworks
  • Coordination: coordinating relations with the region's various publics
  • Support: coordination and support for regional development projects.

Certified skills :

- Carry out a reflective and distanced analysis, taking into account the issues and problems of planning, the environment and development, as well as the complexity of a request or situation, in order to propose adapted and/or innovative solutions; propose a spatial interpretation,

- Carry out diagnoses, general or thematic studies, and prospective analyses to optimize knowledge of environments and territories and provide operational and strategic information to support decision-making: analyze, formalize and interpret data collected, draw up recommendations, communicate/disseminate results, 

- Understand how a territory is organized, the levels of governance and the roles of stakeholders,

- Mobilize theoretical and methodological models specific to spatial analysis, data processing, geographic information systems, discourse analysis, territorial diagnostics... 

- Manage projects related to planning, the environment and regional development: design, manage, implement, monitor, lead and evaluate by mobilizing multi-disciplinary skills in a collaborative framework: partner communities, companies, design offices, etc.

- Implement the actions of public authorities at different territorial levels: commune, inter-communal structures, department, region, etc.  

- Use and produce spatially-referenced information data (geographic information systems (GIS)) and master communication and promotion tools.

- Identify digital uses and the impact of their evolution on Sustainable, Local and Solidarity-based Development

- Mobilize highly specialized knowledge, some of which is at the forefront of knowledge in a field of work or study, as the basis for original thinking

- Develop a critical awareness of knowledge in the field of Sustainable, Local and Solidarity Development

- Solve problems to develop new knowledge and procedures and integrate knowledge from different fields

- Make innovative contributions to high-level exchanges and international contexts

- Identify, select and critically analyze a variety of specialized resources to document a subject and synthesize these data for further use.

- Communicate orally and in writing in French and at least one foreign language for training or knowledge transfer purposes

- Manage complex, unpredictable professional or study contexts requiring new strategic approaches

- Take responsibility for contributing to professional knowledge and practices and/or reviewing a team's strategic performance

- Manage a project (design, steering, team coordination, implementation and management, evaluation, dissemination) that can mobilize multi-disciplinary skills within a collaborative framework.

- Analyze your actions in a professional situation, self-evaluate to improve your practice as part of a quality approach

- Respect the principles of ethics, professional conduct and environmental responsibility

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Useful contacts


02 38 49 47 73




Tel: 02 38 41 71 72

E-mail : doip[at]univ-orleans.fr


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Special features

Versatile training to develop cross-disciplinary and integrated approaches to regional development

Project-based teaching: project approach; active, collaborative teaching

An ecosystem of partners: CAUE du Loiret, CRESS Centre Val de Loire, Centraider, local authorities, Petr...

The diversity of student profiles, in terms of educational backgrounds (geography, planning, sociology, economics, history, etc.) and geographical origins (France, Europe, Africa, etc.).

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Semester 7

Block 1 - Territories in transition

Sustainable development and transition: a critical approach

European ruralities: contemporary issues and inequalities in development

Transition issues in natural protection areas

Cities in transition: a critical approach

Climate change. Between mitigation and adaptation

Block 2 - Solidarity and territories (1)

Interterritoriality, solidarity and cooperation in territorial development practices

Theories and practices of development in the South

Social and solidarity-based economy at the service of solidarity-based development

Block 3 - Territorial diagnostic practices (1)

Analysis: building and using a survey

Analyze, qualify and identify the territory's development challenges

Statistical data processing and analysis

Cartographic design

Block 4 - Individual skills

Language. One of three choices:

  • English applied to the social science research environment
  • Or LANSAD Spanish
  • Or French for university purposes

Introduction to social science research

Semester 8

Block 1 - Territorial solidarity

Socio-spatial inequalities and spatial justice in France

Développement et solidarité internationale: les Suds face aux enjeux de la coopération internationale

Socio-territorial inequalities in emerging countries

Block 2 - Territorial knowledge

The capacity for local public action: skills, governance, innovation

Territorial resources: marketing, labeling, communication in territorial development initiatives

Landscape and territory project

Block 3 - Territorial diagnostic practices (2)

Qualitative survey methods in the social sciences

Spatial analysis and summary maps for a territorial diagnosis

Block 4 - Territorial development tools and practices (1)

Building the territory project

Territorial coordination

Block 5 - Individual skills

Collaborative working

Social science research: dissertation

Semester 9

Block 1 - Territories in transition (2)

Tourism and socio-environmental change

Sharing water resources

Ecourbanism outside Europe

Food systems in transition

New technologies, digital, development

Block 2 - Solidarity and territories

Intergenerational solidarity and regional development

ESS Project

Block 3 - Territorial development tools and practices

Territorial conflicts and concertation

Opendata and data production

Rethinking territorial development

Tutored project

Block 4 - Social science research

Research dissertation methodology

English applied to social science research

Semester 10

Block 1 - End-of-study specialization, one of two choices

  • Internship
  • Or M2 research dissertation
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Admission requirements


Students with a bachelor's degree in human sciences, majoring in human sciences, geography.

For all other enrolment requirements, please contact the Registrar's Office.

Training accessible through validation of prior learning (VAE) and validation of personal and professional experience (VAPP).                                                                                                                                                                   

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How to register

M1 application form to be sent to the following address:

M2 application form to be sent to the following address:


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Tuition fees

For students:


For adults returning to school; consult SEFCO.


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And then

Further studies

Further studies

The GAED-DDLS Master's degree offers the possibility of pursuing a doctorate (Bac + 8), within the CEDETE laboratory to which the Master's is attached. Doctoral funding is available on the basis of applications and competitive examination.


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Professional integration

Career prospects

The GAED Master's degree in Local and Solidarity-based Sustainable Development (DDLS) trains professionals to work in the field of local and territorial development, focusing on the challenges of transition and territorial adaptation. These professionals work for local authorities, public and semi-public institutions, as well as in the corporate world and the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE), such as associations and NGOs.

Career options :

  - Local development project manager

 - In charge of studies and local development projects in the field of Social and Solidarity Economy - ESS

  - International solidarity project manager

  - Local development project manager

  - Local development consultant

  - Territorial project coordinator and coordinator

 - Socio-ecological infrastructure project manager

- Project manager: territorial observatory, data management, development project

 - Project manager in a design office or local authority

  - Local/territorial development and support project manager


After 3 to 5 years' professional experience, graduates will be able to move up to [...].


Expert and consultant in the fields of :


  • Local/territorial development
  • Protecting our natural and cultural heritage
  • Planning and environment


Local public policy manager/team leader


  • Setting up, coordinating and evaluating projects (financing, local coordination, reporting results)
  • And/or
  • Graduates will be eligible for positions as Chief Territorial Engineers, subject to passing the local civil service competitive examination.

If they go on to study for a doctorate (Bac + 8), graduates will be able to enter the world of research and higher education:

- Teacher-researchers

 - Researchers,

- Research engineers, researchers...

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