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Arts, Literature, Languages

Master Languages and Societies - Intercultural Mediation and Research (MIR) course

  • Duration

    4 semesters

  • Component

    Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

  • Location(s)



The aim of this multi-disciplinary, international training program is to develop students' independence of thought, critical thinking skills, open-mindedness and intercultural abilities, as well as reinforcing their mastery of two or three foreign language-cultures for the courses concerned here.

Two routes will be offered from September 2024:

- Intercultural Mediation and Research (MIR) course

- Translation and Multilingual Communication (TCM) course

The Intercultural Mediation and Research course is aimed at students specializing in
language-cultures, particularly English and Spanish, although it is also potentially open (adapted courses) to students who have not studied Spanish or who have German as language B.

 Master's video presentation: https://uomedia.univ-orleans.fr/videos/master-mir_s9CFvKFk/

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The aim of this Master's program is to give students access to careers in intercultural mediation in the broadest sense of the term, or the possibility of continuing their studies in the field of scientific research. Students will develop their autonomy of thought, their critical sense, their open-mindedness and their intercultural capacities, by reinforcing their mastery of language-cultures, and thus their ability to know and share foreign cultures, to understand cultural issues and interactions, and to act as a linguistic and cultural interface between diverse interlocutors.

By the end of the course, students will have acquired the cultural knowledge needed to understand contemporary developments within and between the English- and Spanish-speaking areas, the theoretical knowledge required to tackle intercultural issues, and a high level of language skills. The course is designed to enable students to develop their research skills, and hence their capacity for critical study, analysis and synthesis, which can be used in future doctoral studies as well as in a variety of professional environments.

Students will be trained in multilingual communication and writing techniques, as well as research methods in various fields (document watch, use of documentary and bibliographical resources, data analysis, interpretation and synthesis, knowledge of digital tools and products related to the skills and fields studied).

Training includes a stay or internship abroad or in an international professional environment.

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Useful contacts


02 38 49 47 73




Tel: 02 38 41 71 72

E-mail :


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Knowledge control

Teaching units are assessed by continuous assessment and/or written and oral final exams. They are definitively acquired once the student has obtained an average grade, and are assigned a coefficient and European credits. Compensations are made over the semester on the basis of the overall average of grades obtained in the various teaching units, weighted by coefficients. Two assessment sessions are organized for each semester.

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Master 1

  • Semester 1

Théories et pratiques de la médiation culturelle internationale 1 (Théories de la communication et de l'information / Communication interculturelle, Rédaction professionnelle, Découverte des milieux professionnels)
Compétences langagières interculturelles 1 (Compréhension multilingue ou Renforcement langue française 1 pour étudiants non francophones)
Compétences culturelles internationales 1 (Société, language and culture 1 Anglophone or Hispanic world)
Intercultural dynamics in the Anglophone and Hispanic worlds 1
Research tools and methods (Introduction to research and student participation in laboratory research events, Digital tools and documentary research techniques)

  • Semester 2

Theories and practices of international cultural mediation 2 (Interculturality: theories, concepts, examples, communication/argumentation skills : oral and multimedia presentations)
Intercultural language skills 2 (Transversal translation English/Spanish or French language reinforcement 2 for non-French-speaking students)
International cultural skills 2 (Society, language and culture 2, Anglophone or Hispanic worlds)
Intercultural dynamics in the Anglophone and Hispanic worlds 2
Scientific and professional communication (Scientific writing, Research project follow-up, Student participation in laboratory research events, Specialized computer skills - Desktop publishing (DTP) )
Workshops for professional integration

Master 2 

  • Semester 3

Theories and Practices of International Cultural Mediation 3 (Design and organization of intercultural projects)
Tools of international cultural mediation 3 (Writing in English or Spanish, synthesis, presentation, Specialized computer skills - Design of multimedia supports)
Intercultural language skills 3 (Multilingual writing workshop or French language reinforcement 3 for non-French-speaking students)
International cultural skills 3 (Société, language and culture 3, Anglophone or Hispanic world)
Dynamiques interculturelles dans les mondes anglophones et hispanophones 3
Research and application (Follow-up and presentation of research projects, Student participation in laboratory research events)

  •  Semester 4

Internship abroad or in an international professional environment, or research stay abroad with a research dissertation or study report.
Internship or dissertation follow-up and defense

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Admission requirements

For Master 1

Initial training :

Applications are open to students holding a Licence LLCE (English, Spanish).

Students who have obtained a bachelor's degree in another field in France or abroad will be admitted on the basis of their academic record, following a decision to validate their prior learning.

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How to register

M1 application form to be sent to the following address:


 M2 application form to be sent to the following address:


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Tuition fees

For students:


For adults returning to school; consult SEFCO.

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And then

Further studies

Doctoral studies possible.

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Professional integration

 Sectors of activity

- Research and university teaching (after doctoral studies)
- Cultural services, culture and tourism (cultural companies and services in France and around the world)
- Research offices in all organizations or companies with an international outlook
- Information and multilingual communication (corporate communication or public or private organizations)
- Secondary education (after preparing for and passing a competitive examination)
- Civil service administration and local authorities

Possible types of employment

- Teacher-researcher (after doctorate)
- Professions in culture and tourism with an international outlook or international hospitality
- Professions in information, communication and intercultural mediation: communication officer, research officer in public or private organizations, writer-broadcaster in the field of multilingual cultural mediation, design/management of (inter)cultural projects, cultural consulting, international documentary watch
- Secondary school teacher (after competitive examination)

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