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Arts, Literature, Languages

Master Languages and Societies - Translation and Multilingual Communication specialization

  • Duration

    4 semesters

  • Component

    Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

  • Location(s)



The aim of this multi-disciplinary, international training program is to develop students' independence of thought, critical thinking skills, open-mindedness and intercultural abilities, as well as reinforcing their mastery of two or three foreign language-cultures for the courses concerned here.

Two routes are available:

- Languages, Transmission and Intercultural Mediation course

- Translation and Multilingual Communication

The aim of the Translation and Multilingual Communication pathway is to offer students a choice of subjects and methods that will enable them to build a professional project leading to careers in translation, writing and publishing, with a possible reorientation towards research.

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Train students in the intensive practice of translation in conditions that are as close as possible to a professional environment, notably through work supervised by professionals and tutored projects.

Prepare students for the world of work by integrating in-company internships into the curriculum.

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Useful contacts


02 38 49 47 73




Tel: 02 38 41 71 72

E-mail :


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Knowledge control

Teaching units are assessed by continuous assessment and/or written and oral final exams. They are definitively acquired once the student has obtained an average grade, and are assigned a coefficient and European credits. Compensations are made over the semester on the basis of the overall average of grades obtained in the various teaching units, weighted by coefficients. Two assessment sessions are organized for each semester.

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Language A: English-French
Language B: German, Spanish or Japanese

Master 1

  • Semester 1

Translation language A
Translation language B
Interpreting techniques Language A
Interpreting techniques Language B or Advanced linguistics for Japanese
Theoretical foundations (Translation methodology, Communication and information theory/Cross-cultural communication, Society, Language and Culture 1, Civilization, Language B)
Practical tools for translation (Computers for translation, Professional writing, Documentation techniques, Digital tools and documentary research techniques)
Professional teaching (Translator's professional practice, Introduction to research and student participation in research events at REMELICE, POLEN or LLL laboratories)

  • Semester 2

Audiovisual translation, language A
Translation, language B
Interpreting techniques, language A
Interpreting techniques, language B
Theoretical foundations (translation theories, sociolinguistics and communication, Society, Language and Culture 2)
Practical tools for translation and communication (communication/argumentation skills: oral and multimedia presentations, scientific writing)
Professionalization (professional integration workshop, external internship)

Master 2

  •  Semester 3

Specialized translation, language A
Translation, language B
Interpreting techniques, language A
Interpreting techniques, language B
Theoretical foundations (Translation analysis and revision, Terminology and lexicography, Society, Language and Culture 3)
Practical tools for translation and communication (Writing in English, synthesis, presentation, Writing, language B, Writing for the press, Multimedia design)
Professionalization (Professional project 1 - Presentation of research project)

  • Semester 4

Specialized translation, language A
Translation, language B
Interpreting techniques, language A
Interpreting techniques, language B or Linguistic improvement for Japanese
Literary translation, English
Translation, French-English
Practical tools for translation and communication (Desktop publishing, Publishing professions, Writing workshop, Professional forum - with the participation of M2 students)
Professionalization (Professional and research project, External internship or dissertation)

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Admission requirements

For Master 1

Initial training :

Applications are open to students holding a Licence LLCE (English, Spanish).

The average score in the language UE in 3rd year of the bachelor's degree must be greater than or equal to 10/20. In the case of students coming from other bachelor's degrees, entry is subject to validation of prior learning.

Training accessible through validation of prior learning (VAE) and validation of personal and professional experience (VAPP).

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How to register

M1 application form to be sent to the following address:


 M2 application form to be sent to the following address:


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Tuition fees

For students:


For adults returning to school; consult SEFCO.

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And then

Professional integration

Sectors of activity :

Translation, modern languages, communications, publishing, documentation and culture.

Types of jobs available :

Freelance translator, in-house translator, technical translator, translator for international institutions, specialized editor, proofreader/editor, publishing coordinator, publishing assistant (especially scientific publishing for the humanities and arts).

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