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Science, Technology, Health

MASTER in Computer-Assisted Business Management (MIAGE) - Distributed Information Systems (SIR) specialization

  • Duration

    4 semesters

  • Component

    Faculty of Science & Technology

  • Location(s)



The MIAGE master's degree is a multi-disciplinary program at the crossroads of applied computing, information and communication systems and business organization.

The aim is to cover the conceptual dimension of information systems, their engineering and their applications.

Two courses are offered in the 2nd year of the Master's programme:

The SIR (Systèmes d'Information Répartis - Distributed Information Systems) course offers the opportunity to acquire, in addition to common skills, high-level skills in the distribution of information systems (design, development and deployment of distributed application and technical solutions), including cloud, security and big data aspects.

The SIMSAB (Systèmes d'Information des Métiers du Social, de l'Assurance et de la Banque) course, born of university-company collaboration, meets a major regional need for computer engineers who also have solid business skills in the insurance, social and banking sectors. This course trains students to become project management assistants for banks and insurance, pension and provident companies.

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Useful contacts

Faculty of Science & Technology
Département Informatique
1 rue de Chartes - 45067 Orléans cedex 2

Training manager :

Department secretary :
secretariat-info.st @ univ-orleans.fr 
Tel: 02 38 41 70 11
Tel: 02 38 49 49 10

Schooling :
masters.st @ univ-orleans.fr




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The Master MIAGE takes place over 2 years, with 550 hours of teaching per year.
Cross-disciplinary knowledge: project management, design, steering and management of information systems, application architectures and web services.

In 2nd year, the SIR pathway enables students to study and develop application and technical solutions in greater depth, and to acquire high-level skills in the fields of JEE/Cloud development, communications, Big Data, industrialization and development security.

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Admission requirements

Recruitment to the Master's program is based on an application from the 1st year of the Master's program.


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How to register

Selection is based on an application.


M1 application form to be sent to the following address:


M2 application form to be sent to the following address:


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Tuition fees

For students:


For adults returning to school; consult SEFCO.
For apprenticeship training:




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And then

Professional integration

- Information systems analyst and developer

- Design engineer
- Junior architect
- Business intelligence systems expert
After experience:
- Project manager
- ERP consultant, E-business consultant
- Information systems architect, CIO

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