Faculty of Education
Bourges, Chartres, Châteauroux, Blois, Orléans, Tours
The MEEF premier degré master's degree is a vocational master's degree, the main aim of which is to train students to become school teachers.
The MEEF master's program includes preparation for competitive examinations. This professional training is structured around internships (observation and accompanied practice and/or responsibility). This alternating approach encourages a gradual entry into the profession. The program includes an introduction to research and the possibility of internships abroad.
In addition to preparing for the competitive examination, this master's degree aims to :
- building professional skills in teaching and learning ;
- mastery of disciplinary and didactic knowledge ;
- knowledge of the education system ;
- building a professional posture in line with the educational relationship ;
- awareness of research in the field of educational sciences;
- building tools for analyzing student and teacher activity;
Based on the competencies set out in the professional reference framework (decree of July 1, 2013), the training reference framework for the Master MEEF Professeur des Ecoles (decree of 28.05.2019) proposes a three-point model of the 1 st degree teaching profession. For each of these, objectives and training areas are set out:
- The teacher, a player in the educational community and in the national education public service:
Frame of reference and ethical foundations of the profession:
- Know the institutional context
- Understand the history of the education system and educational policies at school
- Understand the reference framework of skills and the texts that underpin the missions of the profession
- Know the legal, ethical and regulatory frameworks
Responsible use of the Internet:
- Understand the rights and duties associated with the use of digital technology in the workplace
- Help introduce students to the responsible use of the Internet and digital tools
- Understand the rules governing the protection of personal data
Respectful and effective communication :
- With pupils
- With families
- With members of the educational community
School life:
- Identify the players and bodies involved
- Include your actions in the school project
Taking part in group work:
- Organizing and planning learning and assessment
- Choosing work materials, tools and resources for the school team
Relations with parents:
- Establishing a relationship of trust
- Acquiring the foundations for fruitful exchanges - A versatile teacher, effective in the transmission of fundamental knowledge and the construction of learning
Train an expert approach to school knowledge, drawing out the meaning and content of a common culture based on reference conceptions and achievements, linked to real work situations, observed or implemented.
- Child development and learning
- Teaching effectiveness: knowledge, assessment, understanding and taking into account the diversity of pupils and learning contexts
- Authority and classroom management
- Teaching French at school
- Teaching mathematics at school
- Constructing learning: versatility and interdisciplinarity - The teacher as reflective practitioner and actor in professional development
Reflective practice and research:
- Preparing for and analyzing internships, as well as initiation to/through research as part of the dissertation, enable students to acquire or reinforce skills that support the updating of knowledge and professional development throughout their careers
Lifelong learning culture, particularly through digital tools and mobility:
- Explore and exploit training resources in their own environment
- Develop a professional digital culture
- Experiment with networking and mobility, and take advantage of European and international mobility opportunities to develop intercultural openness and a comparative approach to education systems.
Useful contacts
02 38 41 71 72
Knowledge control
- Semester 1:
UE1.1 Disciplinary specificities: from scientific knowledge to teaching knowledge and preparation for the competitive examination
EC2 Scientific knowledge and transposition: mathematics
EC3 Scientific knowledge and transposition: French
EC4 History-Geography - disciplinary knowledge and didactics
EC5 Science & technology - disciplinary knowledge and didactics
EC6 Plastic arts, music and art history - disciplinary knowledge and didactics
EC7 Elective reinforcement UE (1 choice from Mathematics, French, English, Spanish)
EC8 Constructing and implementing teaching-learning situations
EC9 Education system: history and issues
EC10 Modern language (English / Spanish)
UE1.2 Cross-disciplinary concepts required to develop professional skills
EC1 Learning processes: developmental and learning psychology
EC2 School climate, educational relationships (authority, communication, etc.)
EC3 Developing digital skills / Teaching with digital technology
UE1.3 The act of teaching and learning in a school aiming for success for all
EC1 Sociology of education and the school / Geography of education
EC2 Education for...
EC3 Philosophy of education and the school
UE1.4 Introduction to research
EC1 Research methodology
EC2 Research seminar
UE1.5 Internship
UE1.6 Observation internship abroad (optional UE)
UE1.7 Preparation for CAPEFE (optional UE)
UE1.8 Preparation for Pix+ Édu (optional UE)
- Semester 2:
UE2.1 Disciplinary specificities: from scientific knowledge to teaching knowledge and preparation for the competitive examination
EC1 EPS - disciplinary knowledge and didactics
EC2 Scientific knowledge and transposition: mathematics
EC3 Scientific knowledge and transposition: French
EC4 History-Geography - disciplinary knowledge and didactics
EC5 Science & technology - disciplinary knowledge and didactics
EC6 Plastic arts, music and art history - disciplinary knowledge and didactics
EC7 Elective reinforcement UE (1 choice from Mathematics, French, English, Spanish)
EC8 Building and implementing teaching-learning situations
EC9 Connection between fields: cross-disciplinary French
UE2.2 Cross-disciplinary concepts needed to develop professional skills
EC1 Learning processes: developmental and learning psychology
EC2 Teaching and learning in kindergarten
EC3 Developing digital skills / Teaching with digital technology
EC4 Analyzing cross-disciplinary and disciplinary practices
EC5 Opening module
UE2.3 The act of teaching and learning in a school aiming for success for all
EC1 Inclusive school practice: principles of accessibility for all (inclusive education)
EC2 Education for...
EC3 Democratizing pedagogical practices
EC4 Cooperating with players in the educational community (parents, ASE, REAP, RASED, AESH ....)
UE2.4 Introduction to research
EC1 Research methodology
EC2 Research seminar
UE2.5 Internship
UE2.6 Modern language (English / Spanish)
UE2.7 Observation internship abroad (optional UE)
UE2.8 Preparation for the CAPEFE (optional UE)
- Semester 3:
UE3.1 Disciplinary specificities: from scientific knowledge to knowledge to be taught and preparation for the competitive examination
EC1 EPS - disciplinary knowledge and didactics
EC2 Scientific knowledge and transposition: mathematics
EC3 Scientific knowledge and transposition: French
EC4 Histoire-Géographie - disciplinary knowledge and didactics
EC5 Sciences & technologie - disciplinary knowledge and didactics
EC6 Constructing and implementing teaching-learning situations
EC7 Activities mobilizing specific resources (compulsory elective) :
EC8 Connexion entre les domaines : le français transversal
EC9 Module libre OR Préparation au concours (EPS / Histoire-Géographie - EMC, Arts ou Sciences et Technologie au choix / Anglais (facultatif))
UE3.2 Les concepts transversaux nécessaires au développement des compétences professionnelles
EC1 Climat scolaire, relation éducative (autorité, communication...)
EC2 Enseigner et apprendre en maternelle
EC3 Analyses de pratique transversale et disciplinaire
UE3.3 The act of teaching and learning in a school aiming for success for all
EC1 "Values", ethics, secularism (anthropology, EMC)
EC2 Democratizing teaching practices
UE3.4 Introduction to research
EC1 Research methodology
EC2 Research seminar
UE3.5 Internship
UE3.6 Observation internship abroad (optional UE)
UE3.7 CAFEPE preparation (optional UE)
UE3.8 Pix+ Édu preparation (optional UE)
- Semester 4:
UE4.1 Disciplinary specificities: from scientific knowledge to teaching knowledge and preparation for the competitive examination
EC1 EPS - disciplinary knowledge and didactics
EC2 Scientific knowledge and transposition: mathematics
EC3 Scientific knowledge and transposition: French
EC4 History-Geography - disciplinary knowledge and didactics
EC5 Constructing and implementing teaching-learning situations
EC6 Free module OR Preparing for the competitive examination (EPS / History-Geography - EMC, Arts or Science and Technology of your choice / English or Spanish (optional) / Preparing for the oral interview test)
UE4.2 The cross-disciplinary concepts needed to develop professional skills
EC1 Teaching and learning in kindergarten
EC2 Analysis of cross-disciplinary and disciplinary practices
EC3 Developing digital skills / Teaching with digital technology
EC4 Inclusive school practice: principles of accessibility for all (inclusive education) (EPS and SFEA)
EC5 Cooperating with players in the educational community (parents, ASE, REAP, RASED, AESH .)
EC6 Module d'ouverture
UE 4.3 Initiation à la recherche
EC1 Méthodologie de la recherche - soutenance du mémoire
EC2 Séminaire de recherche
UE 4.4 Stage
UE 4.5 Stage d'observation à l'étranger
UE 4.6 Préparation au CAPEFE
Studies are organized into two years, each comprising two semesters, which are in turn organized around the teachers' professional skills.
Implemented at six departmental sites in the Centre region: Blois, Bourges, Chartres, Châteauroux, Orléans, Tours-Fondettes.
Head of the Master MEEF 1er degré at Orléans University: Cindy CHATEIGNIER
M1 curriculum advisor: Patrick TEMPLEREAU
M2 curriculum advisor: Aude LEGROUX
Admission requirements
Access to 1st year :
Bachelor's degree or equivalent for access to 1st year of Master's program.
Foreign students will be asked to provide proof of diploma equivalence and/or a B2 level certificate in French, depending on their situation.
Access to 2nd year :
Students holding an M1 or M2 degree other than a MEEF master's degree can be admitted to the program by means of a prior learning assessment procedure.
This diploma can be obtained through continuing education, with the possibility of validating professional experience.
How to register
M1 application form to be sent to the following address:
M2 application form to be requested from the school :
Tuition fees
For students:
For adults returning to school; consult SEFCO.
And then
Professional integration
Target professions:
School teacher or trainer in other professional contexts.