Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
The Master MEEF 2d degré is run by INSPÉ Centre Val de Loire. It comprises 8 distinct courses enabling students to prepare for the teaching profession as well as various competitive examinations (CAPES, CAPEPS, CAPLP...). The courses are taught jointly by 2 departments: INSPÉ CVL and UFR LLSH.
The "Métiers de l'Education, de l'Enseignement et de la Formation (MEEF)" Master's degree in Secondary Education (English) is designed not only to enable students to acquire a sufficient level of knowledge in the subject and the didactics of the discipline being taught, but also to develop the professional skills set out in the "référentiel de compétences des métiers du professorat et de l'éducation".
The MEEF master's degree prepares you for the teaching profession, but also for the competitive examinations for teacher recruitment: CAPES, CAPEPS, CAPET, CAPLP. To meet these objectives, it is organized into subject-specific, didactic, cross-disciplinary, internship and research courses.
He has a thorough grasp of disciplinary and didactic content.
He/she is capable of conducting and implementing his/her teaching within an institutional framework and in collaboration with the educational environment.
It organizes and adapts its teaching to enable the acquisition of knowledge and the development of disciplinary and cross-disciplinary skills set out in the curricula, supported by appropriate assessment systems.
He analyzes and adapts his professional practice according to needs, taking into account the diversity of his pupils.
Useful contacts
02 38 49 47 73
Tel: 02 38 41 71 72
Special features
Work-study training in the second year of the Master's program is remunerated after passing the competitive entrance examination.
Program subject to approval by the CFVU Training and University Life Commission
Master 1
- Semester 1
Teaching and learning
English language
Disciplinary depth 1
Knowledge and practice
Didactics of English
Research and methodology
Internship and analysis of practice
- Semester 2
Taking charge of students and their diversity
English language
Research methodology tutorials
Observation and accompanied practice internships
Further study of subjects 2
Knowledge and practices 2
Master 2
- Semester 3
Adapting to the school context
Further study of subjects 3
Didactics 3
Internship with responsibility
- Semester 4
Being part of an educational framework
Disciplinary studies 4
Didactics 4
Research methodology tutorials
Internship follow-up and dissertation defense
Admission requirements
Access to M1
A bachelor's degree in a field related to English, or with validation of studies or professional experience (via the e-candidat application).
Or validation of studies for students from foreign universities.
The course is available as part of a continuing education program (SEFCO).
How to register
M1 application form to be sent to the following address:
M2 application form to be sent to the following address:
Tuition fees
For students:
For adults returning to school; consult SEFCO.
And then
Further studies
Possibility of pursuing a doctorate.
Professional integration
The trades we're considering
This course enables students to prepare for the general English teaching examinations (CAPES, CAFEP, CAPLP, Agrégation...).
Because it provides a solid general culture and develops writing skills, it also enables students to take other civil service entrance exams in teaching and training (CPE, administrative exams, adult training, continuing education, tutoring, etc.).