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Science, Technology, Health

MASTER in teaching, education and training (MEEF) 2nd degree Mathematics course

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    Faculty of Science & Technology

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The Master MEEF 2d degré is run by INSPÉ Centre Val de Loire. It comprises 8 distinct courses enabling students to prepare for the teaching profession as well as various competitive examinations (CAPES, CAPEPS, CAPLP...). The courses are taught jointly by 2 departments: INSPÉ CVL andFaculty of Science & Technology.

The mathematics course in the MEEF master's program is designed to train students to become teachers of mathematics in secondary schools.

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High school, vocational college and middle school teachers are experts in both subject and teaching content.

He/she is capable of conducting and implementing his/her teaching within an institutional framework and in collaboration with the educational environment.

It organizes and adapts its teaching to enable the acquisition of knowledge and the development of disciplinary and cross-disciplinary skills set out in the curricula, supported by appropriate assessment systems.

He analyzes and adapts his professional practice according to needs, taking into account the diversity of his pupils.

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Useful contacts

Faculty of Science & Technology
Département Mathématiques
1, rue de Chartres - 45067 Orléans cedex

Master's coordinator:
Evelyne Bois

Responsible for theFaculty of Science & Technology course :

INSPÉ CVL disciplinary correspondent:
Emmanuel COURROY

Department secretary : 
secretariat-maths.st @ univ-orleans.fr
Tel: 02 38 41 70 16

Schooling :
masters.st @ univ-orleans.fr


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Program subject to approval by the CFVU Training and University Life Commission

Master 1

Please note: 2 x two-week internships in observation and accompanied practice under the responsibility of a tutor.

Semester 1

General information on the education system
Learning processes and adolescence
Internship (two-week observation period)
Fundamentals of subject didactics
Analysis of professional practices
Fundamental mathematics
Further mathematics courses

Semester 2

Evaluer : dispositifs, posture et éthique
Ecole inclusive et réussite de tous
Valeurs de la République et laïcité
De l'analyse de situations à l'analyse de pratiques
Stage (2 x deux semaines de pratique accompagnée)
Analyse de ressources pour la classe et construction de séquences d'enseignement
Compléments en mathématiques
Analyse de Pratiques Professionnelles
Mathématiques fondamentales
Compléments en mathématiques

Master 2

Please note: Internship throughout the year, either as a contractual employee with responsibility, or through observation and accompanied practice under the responsibility of a tutor.

Semester 3

Accompaniment in taking up a new post
Analysis of professional practices
Thematic professional days
Didactics of the discipline
History of maths, epistemology
Initiation to research
Professional dissertation seminar

Semester 4

Thematic professional days
Analyzing one's practice
Didactics of the discipline
Multidisciplinary (EPI, TPE...)
Work experience - internship
Analysis of professional practices

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Admission requirements

Access to M1

A mathematics degree or validation of studies or professional experience.

The course is available as part of a continuing education program (SEFCO).

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How to register

Tuition fees

For students: https://www.univ-orleans.fr/fr/univ/formation/droits-dinscriptions

For adults returning to school, for professionalization contracts and for VAE, consult SEFCO.

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And then

Professional integration

Target professions:

- School education
- Corporate trainer
- Continuing education

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