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Science, Technology, Health

MASTER in teaching, education and training (MEEF) 2nd level Life and earth sciences (MEEF-SVT)

  • Component

    Faculty of Science & Technology

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The Master MEEF 2d degré is run by INSPÉ Centre Val de Loire. It comprises 8 distinct courses enabling students to prepare for the teaching profession as well as various competitive examinations (CAPES, CAPEPS, CAPLP...). The courses are taught jointly by 2 departments: INSPÉ CVL andFaculty of Science & Technology.

The course lasts 2 years:

  • The first year is devoted to in-depth subject preparation in biology and geology atFaculty of Science & Technology and OSUC (Observatoire des Sciences de l'univers en Région Centre-Val de Loire), accompanied by training at INSPE in the professional (organization of the education system, etc.) and didactic aspects of the teaching profession.
  • The second year alternates between an internship at a school and courses at INSPE,Faculty of Science & Technology and OSUC.
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The two years of the MEEF-SVT master's program train secondary school teachers in Life and Earth Sciences.

The aim of this training program is to acquire knowledge of the disciplines taught, as well as didactic and pedagogical knowledge related to teaching, and an openness to pedagogical and scientific research.

The teacher has good teaching practices, adapted to the school system. He/she is capable of conducting and implementing his/her teaching within the institutional framework and in collaboration with the educational environment.

They have a sound knowledge of subject areas, the ability to adapt to new curricula and the autonomy to respect the education system and the values of the Republic. He/she organizes and adapts his/her teaching to enable the acquisition of knowledge and the development of disciplinary and cross-disciplinary skills set out in the curricula, supported by appropriate assessment mechanisms.

Analyzes and adapts professional practice according to needs, taking into account the diversity of students. He/she is capable of independent lifelong learning.

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Useful contacts

Faculty of Science & Technology
Biology-Biochemistry Department
1 Rue de Chartres 45067 Orléans Cedex 2

Master's coordinator:
Evelyne Bois

Course leaders atFaculty of Science & Technology :

Jean-Pierre GOMEZ
Stéphane MAURY

Tel.: 02 38 41 70 99

INSPÉ CVL disciplinary correspondent:

Department secretary :
secretariat-bio.st @ univ-orleans.fr

Schooling :
masters.st @ univ-orleans.fr


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Program subject to approval by the CFVU Training and University Life Commission

Master 1

  • Semester 1

UE 1.1 Fundamental knowledge for teaching

EC1 Challenges and knowledge of the education system

EC2 Disciplinary knowledge in biology: plant sciences, genetics and cell biology

EC3 Disciplinary knowledge in geology: exogenous geology

UE 1.2 Teaching management

EC1 Building a reflective professional posture

EC2 Internship

EC3 An expert approach to school curricula

UE 1.3 Taking an active role in your professional development: building your career path, writing your dissertation

EC1 Epistemology and research

EC2 Research

UE 1.4 Improving foreign language skills (English)

UE 1.5 Internship abroad

UE 1.6 Preparation for the CAPEFE exam

UE 1.7 Pix + Edu preparation


  • Semester 2

UE 2.1 Fundamental knowledge for teaching

EC1 Challenges and knowledge of the education system

EC2 Disciplinary knowledge in biology: cellular and animal biology and physiology

EC3 Disciplinary knowledge in geology: endogenous geology

UE 2.2 Teaching management

EC1 Building a reflective professional posture

EC2 Internship - Analysis of practice

EC3 Effective teaching-learning strategies

UE 2.3 Taking an active role in your professional development: building your career path, writing your dissertation

UE 2.4 Complementary module 1: Vocational and technological training CAPLP/CAPET + Biology-geology internship

UE 2.5 Internship

UE 2.6 Internship abroad

UE 2.7 Opening module

UE 2.8 Preparation for the CAPEFE exam

UE 2.9 Pix+ Édu preparation

Master 2

  • Semester 3

UE 3.1 Fundamental knowledge for teaching

EC1 Challenges and knowledge of the education system

EC2 Disciplinary knowledge in Biology and Geology n°1

UE 3.2 Teaching management

EC1 Building a reflective professional posture

EC2 Effectiveness of teaching-learning strategies

UE 3.3 Taking an active role in your professional development: building your career path, writing your dissertation

EC1 Voice and body for teaching and oral presentation

EC2 Reflective practice and research

UE 3.4 Internship

UE 3.5 Complementary module for vocational and technological training CAPLP/CAPET

UE 3.6 Internship abroad

UE 3.7 Preparation for the CAPEFE exam

UE 3.8 Pix+ Édu preparation

  • Semester 4

UE 4.1 Mastering fundamental teaching skills

EC1 Challenges and knowledge of the education system

EC2 Disciplinary knowledge in Biology and Geology n°2

UE 4.2 Teaching management

EC1 Building a reflective professional posture

EC2 Effectiveness of teaching-learning strategies

UE 4.3 Being a player in your own professional development: building your career path, writing your dissertation

EC1 Voice and body for teaching and oral presentation

EC2 Professional development


UE 4.4 Internship

EU 4.5 Research

UE 4.6 Complementary module 2 Biology + geology

UE 4.7 Internship abroad

UE 4.8 Preparation for the CAPEFE exam

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Admission requirements

The 1st year of the Master MEEF-SVT is open to students who have obtained a Bachelor's degree in Life Sciences from the Université d'Orléans, or any equivalent course in the field of Life and Earth Sciences, or in the teaching professions in Life and Earth Sciences (SVT-ME) in the region or in France.

Entry into the 2nd year of the Master MEEF-SVT is automatic for students who have completed the 1st year of the Master MEEF-SVT, and is subject to a dossier examination in other cases.

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How to register

Tuition fees

And then

Professional integration

Sectors of activity are those of public and private education (Life and Earth Sciences teacher in junior high schools) in general and/or technological high schools, in a public or private establishment; and sectors corresponding to public and private structures involving scientific communication (Scientific communication manager in an association, a Center for Scientific, Technical and Industrial Culture (CCSTI), a company). Science presenter (media libraries, museums, museums, companies, etc.) for schoolchildren or adults.

Professions :

Life and Earth Sciences teacher in collège, lycée d'enseignement général and/or technologique (PLC) or lycée professionnel ou technologique in a public or private establishment.

Scientific communication manager in an association, a CCSTI or a company. Science presenter (media libraries, museums, companies, etc.) for schoolchildren or adults.



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