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Outside the Training Area

MASTER in Teaching, Education and Training (MEEF) Training Practices and Engineering (PIF)

  • Component

    Faculty of Education

  • Location(s)

    Orléans, Tours, Bourges


The Master's degree in Teaching, Education and Training (MEEF) with a specialization in Training Practices and Engineering (PIF) is designed to professionalize players in the world of education, training and support, and to provide them with a Master's-level training project, combining academic input, knowledge gained from experience, an internship and an introductory research dissertation.


Master 1: only available to teachers in the academy preparing National Education certifications.

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High school, vocational college and middle school teachers are experts in both subject and teaching content.

On completion of the course, students will be able to : 

  • Identify and appropriate a variety of research relating to the fields of Education, Teaching and Training,
  • Understand and reinvest the classic methodologies and theoretical frameworks used in introductory educational research
  • Know and be able to explain lifelong learning processes, and be able to apply them.
  • Understanding special educational needs
  • Knowing and mastering digital tools for teaching and training
  • Know and master tools for analyzing professional practice
  • Knowing and mastering the texts and tools governing lifelong learning
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Useful contacts






02 38 41 71 72

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Knowledge control

  • Master 1 Parcours Enseignement Spécialisé
    Semestre 1 :
    UE 11 Les fondamentaux de l'école inclusive
    EC 11.A Enjeux et cadre législatif de l'école inclusive
    EC 11.B Réponse pédagogique aux besoins éducatifs particuliers
    UE 12 Partenariats et relations dans l'école inclusive
    EC 12.A Relation école-famille
    EC 12.B Être personne ressource
    UE 13 Exercer en école inclusive (1)
    EC 13.A Professionalization module (1):
    - Choice 1: Teaching adolescents with severe difficulties
    - Choice 2: Coordinating a localized unit for school inclusion, working in a UE
    - Choice 3: Working in a RASED: relational assistance
    - Choice 4: Working in a RASED: pedagogical assistance
    EC 13.B Module 1 d'approfondissement :
    - Choix 1 : Grandes difficultés scolaires (1)
    - Choix 2 : Troubles des fonctions cognitives (1)
    - Choix 3 : Troubles psychiques (1) (opening according to numbers)
    EC 13.C Initiation à la recherche en milieu professionnel
    UE 14 Internship abroad (optional UE)
  • Semester 2:
    UE 21 Cadre législatif et contexte institutionnel
    EC 21.A Connaissance du cadre législatif
    EC 21.B L'univers et les professionnels de l'école inclusive
    UE 22 Les connaissances spécifiques de l'enseignement spécialisé de l'école inclusive
    EC 22.A1 Choix 1 : Grandes difficultés de compréhension des attentes de l'école
    EC 22.A2 Choix 2 : Troubles psychiques
    UE 23 Exercer en école inclusive (2)
    EC 23.A Module de professionnalisation (2) :
    - Choix 1 : Enseigner à des adolescents en grande difficulté
    - Choix 2 : Coordonner une Unité localisée pour l'inclusion scolaire, travailler en UE
    - Choix 3 : Travailler en RASED : aide relationnelle
    - Choix 4 : Travailler en RASED : aide pédagogique
    EC 23.B Module 1 d'approfondissement :
    - Choix 1 : Grandes difficultés scolaires (2)
    - Choix 2 : Troubles des Fonctions Cognitives (2)
    - Choix 3 : Troubles psychiques (2) (opening according to numbers)
    EC 23.C Initiation à la recherche en milieu professionnel
    UE 24 Internship abroad (optional UE)
  • Master 1 Parcours Formation de Formateurs
    Semestre 1 :
    UE 11 Les savoirs fondamentaux de l'enseignant
    EC 11.A Observer, analyser
    EC 11.B Penser, concevoir, élaborer son enseignement : devenir formateur
    EC 11.C Penser, concevoir, élaborer son enseignement : environnement réglementaire et institutionnel
    EC 11.D Méthodologie de la recherche
    UE 12 Les savoirs fondamentaux de l'enseignant formateur
    EC 12.A Penser, concevoir, élaborer son enseignement
    EC 12.B Observe, analyze, evaluate to build a reflective posture
    EC 12.C Prepare for a research project
    UE 13 Environnement et partenariat (au moins 1 choix sur l'année)
    EC 13.A Choix 1 : Éducation à la santé
    EC 13.B Choice 2: Experimenting with science in order to teach it
    EC 13.C Choice 3: Tutoring and alternation support
    EC 13.E Choice 4: Philosophy of education
    EC 13.F Choice 5: Preparing to be a trainer in the 1st level
    UE 14 Internship abroad (optional UE)
  • Semester 2:
    UE 21 Les savoirs fondamentaux de l'enseignant
    EC 21.A Observer, analyser
    EC 21.B Penser, concevoir, élaborer son enseignement : devenir formateur
    EC 21.C Méthodologie de la recherche
    UE 22 Les savoirs fondamentaux de l'enseignant formateur
    EC 22.A Accompagner l'individu et le collectif
    EC 22.B Mettre en œuvre, animer
    EC 22.C Preparing for research work
    UE 23 Environment and partnership (1 choice over the year)
    EC 23.A Choice 1: Health education
    EC 23.B Choice 2: Experimenting with science to teach it
    EC 23.C Choice 3: Tutoring and alternation support
    EC 23.E Choice 4: Philosophy of education
    EC 23.F Choice 5: Preparing to be a trainer in the 1st level
    UE 24 Internship abroad (optional UE)

  • Master 2
    Semester 3:
    UE 31 Les savoirs fondamentaux du formateur
    EC 31.A Mettre en œuvre et animer
    EC 31.B Accompagner l'individu et le collectif
    EC 31.C Langue vivante
    UE 32 Les outils du formateur
    EC 32.A Thinking, designing, developing
    EC 32.B Observing, analyzing, evaluating
    EC 32.C Training with digital technology
    UE 33 Professional practice and research
    EC 33.A Introduction to educational research
    EC 33.B Internship and analysis of practice
    EC 33.C Observation internship abroad (optional CE)
    UE 34 Environment and partnership (choice of one course)
    EC 34.A Choice 1 - Engineering of distance learning
    EC 34.B Choice 2 - Publics en situation de vulnérabilité
    EC 34.C Choice 3 - Training management
    UE 35 Job search techniques (optional)
    UE 36 Preparation for the CAPEFE (optional CE)
  • Semestre 4 :
    UE 41 Les savoirs fondamentaux du formateur
    EC 41.A Mettre en œuvre et animer
    EC 41.B Accompagner l'individu et le collectif
    EC 41.C Langue vivante
    UE 42 Les outils du formateur
    EC 42.A Penser, concevoir, élaborer
    EC 42.B Observer, analyser, évaluer
    UE 43 Pratique et recherche en milieu professionnel
    EC 43.A Initiation à la recherche en éducation (4h / étudiant)
    EC 43.B Internship and analysis of practice (4h / student)
    EC 43.C Internship abroad (optional)
    UE 44 Environment and partnership (choice of course)
    EC 44.A Choice 1 - Distance learning engineering
    EC 44.B Choice 2 - Vulnerable groups
    EC 44.C Choice 3 - Training management
    UE 45 Job search techniques (optional)
    UE 46 Preparing for the CAPEFE (optional)
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Master 1 is only open to teachers in the Académie who are preparing for certification by the French Ministry of Education.

Programme subject to validation by the CFVU Training and University Life Commission'.

Master 1

  • Semester 1

Observing and analyzing: psychology of development and learning
Thinking, designing and developing your teaching: becoming a trainer
Thinking, designing and developing your teaching: regulatory and institutional environment
Dissertation methodology
Thinking, designing and developing your teaching
Observing, analyzing and evaluating to build a reflective posture
Dissertation methodology (+2h/student)
Your choice: Health education, professional development in science, tutoring and coaching, UE from M1 master sciences de l'éducation.

  • Semester 2

Observe, analyze; developmental and learning psychologist
Thinking, designing, elaborating one's teaching: becoming a trainer
Dissertation methodology
Supporting individuals and groups
Implementing, leading
Dissertation methodology (2h/student)
Your choice: Health education, professional development in science, tutoring and support, UE de M1 master sciences de l'éducation.

Master 2

  • Semester 3

Implementing and leading
Supporting individuals and groups
Modern language
Thinking, designing, developing
Observing, analyzing, evaluating
Training with digital technology
Introduction to educational research
Internship and analysis of practice
Choice of: Distance learning engineering / vulnerable groups

  • Semester 4

Implementing and leading
Supporting individuals and groups
Modern language
Thinking, designing, developing
Observing, analyzing, evaluating
Introduction to educational research (4h/student)
Internship and analysis of practice (4h/student)
Choice of: Distance learning engineering / vulnerable groups

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Admission requirements

Access to 2nd year

Students with an M1 or M2 degree other than a PIF master's degree may be admitted to the program by means of a prior learning assessment procedure.

This diploma can be obtained through continuing education, with the possibility of validating professional experience.


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How to register



Please send your application to the following address:



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Tuition fees

For students:


For adults returning to school, for professionalization contracts and for VAE, consult SEFCO.

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And then

Further studies

Possibility of pursuing a doctorate in the field of educational research.

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Professional integration

Target professions:

- Trainer

- Specialist teacher

- Training Manager

- Trained engineer

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