4 semesters
Faculty of Science & Technology
The aim of the SSA program is to provide high-level research training in the physics of the space environment, drawing on the internationally-recognized skills of the Orléans space cluster. While the M1 provides a solid grounding in the fundamentals of physics, the M2 offers intensive training in "space through space" (entirely in English), with strong student involvement in space projects (satellites) and ground-based projects (Nançay radio astronomy station) with high international visibility. The M2 program covers the basics of radio astronomy, space physics and space propulsion. The aim of this Master's program is to train students who will either go on to a doctoral thesis in the disciplines covered by the Master's program, or join a company in the R&D field.
The second year of the Master's program is taught entirely in English (B2 level required).
An internship lasting 3 to 5 months is carried out in M1, followed by 4 to 6 months in M2 in companies or laboratories in France or abroad.
Useful contacts
UFR Sciences & Techniques
Département Physique
1 rue de Chartres - 45067 Orléans cedex 2
Department secretary :
secretariat-physique.st @ univ-orleans.fr
Tel: 02 38 41 70 43
master-PhyFA @ univ-orleans.fr
Schooling department :
masters.st @ univ-orleans.fr
Special features
This Master's degree prepares students for direct entry into the world of industry, or into a research laboratory to prepare a doctoral thesis.
Master 1 (année 1 - year 1) mandatory for all students
Semester 1
Quantum mechanics (6 ECTS) - 22 h (C) - 20 h (TD)
Atomic and molecular physics - spectroscopy (6 ECTS) - 18 h (C) - 18 h (TD)
General relativity (5 ECTS) - 16 h (C) - 8 h (TD)
Statistical physics (6 ECTS) - 24 h (C) - 24 h (TD)
Project (2 ECTS) - 10 h (TD)
Professional integration (2 ECTS) - 12 h (TD)
English (3 ECTS) - 24 h (TD)
Semester 2
Condensed matter physics (4 ECTS) - 18 h (C) - 18 h (TD)
Plasma physics (4 ECTS) - 18 h (C) - 18 h (TD)
Instrumental experiments - Data analysis (4 ECTS)
Applications - Case studies (2 ECTS) - 4 h (C) -
Digital Experiments (3 ECTS) - 12 h (C) - 12 h (TD)
English (3 ECTS) - 24 h (TD)
Scientific project and conference (2 ECTS) - 10 h (TD)
Internship (8 ECTS) - 4 h (C)
Semester 3
Project approach and quality (12h)
Seminars (6h)
Space exploration and space systems (24h)
Astrophysics (84h)
Space Plasma physics (25h)
Plasma propulsion for spacecraft (37h)
Space environment (50h)
Computational space science (30h)
Semester 4
Internship / Stage (4h)
Project-colloquium/ Projet-colloque (12h)
Admission requirements
This master's program recruits in M1 and M2:
Access to M1 :
● Automatic admission to M1 for students holding a Physics or Maths-Physics degree from any French university.
● Admission by application to M1 for other students, particularly those with another degree from the school or from other universities.
Access to M2:
● Admission to M2 is by application for students who have completed M1 in this master's program, and for students from other programs who have completed M1 or equivalent, and who have a solid grounding in physics and a sufficient level of English (B2). The SSA pathway is aiming for a high recruitment rate in M2, particularly internationally.
How to register
M1 application form to be sent to the following address:
M2 application form to be sent to the following address:
Tuition fees
For students:
For adults returning to school; consult SEFCO.