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Science, Technology, Health

Master Risks and Environment - Chemistry, Pollution, Risks, Environment (CPRE) course

  • Duration

    4 semesters

  • Component

    School of Earth, Environment and Space Sciences

  • Location(s)



Man is in constant interaction with his planet - the Earth. The availability of resources and the quality of the environment are becoming increasingly degraded. Today and in the future, many new professions are developing, whether in industry or research, public or private, calling on skills in two highly interdependent fields: Energy and the Environment.

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Useful contacts

OSUC International Relations Office


Campus Géosciences
1A Rue de la Férolerie
45071 Orléans Cedex 2

Tel: 02 38 49 48 01




Tel: 02 38 41 71 72

E-mail : doip[at]univ-orleans.fr


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Knowledge control

Teaching units are assessed by continuous assessment and/or written and oral final exams. They are definitively acquired once the student has obtained an average grade, and are assigned a coefficient and European credits. Compensations are made over the semester on the basis of the overall average of grades obtained in the various teaching units, weighted by coefficients. Two assessment sessions are organized for each semester.

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Special features

  • A pedagogical approach based on projects, with theoretical lessons including costing and practical work.
  • Enhanced skills based on funded analytical platforms:

PIVOTS(Plateformesd'Innovations, de Valorisationet d'Optimisation TechnologiqueenvironnementaleS). CPRE pathway

CAPRYSSES(Chemical Kinetics and Aerothermodynamics for Clean and Safe Propulsion and Energy Systems).

Graduates will be able to assess the relevance of their results (experimental, numerical and theoretical) and the influence of operating conditions. They will have the technical, scientific and dialogue skills needed to interact with the various players in industry and research.

The "Risks and Environment" master's program is based on close interaction with research conducted in laboratories on the Grand Campus Orléanais (CNRS & Université d'Orléans : ICARE, LPC2E, ISTO, PRISME, BRGM, INRA-UR sols) whose research themes are recognized for excellence, with the regional Eco-technologies cluster DREAM Eaux et milieux and with the Labex VOLTAIRE (study of volatile geofluids, from the deep Earth to the upper atmosphere) and CAPRYSSES (high-temperature chemistry -Energy cluster) and the recent PIVOTS project (Centre Val de Loire Region: ARD2020, CPER, FEDER) led by the University of Orléans.

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Detailed program: click here

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Admission requirements

Admission to M1:
Candidates are recruited on the basis of their application file, with the possibility of an interview.

Selection criteria are as follows:
- Sufficient level in the disciplines required for the Master's program.
- Sufficient mastery of fundamental skills.
- Student's personal/professional project consistent with the Master's program.

This is a limited-capacity or selective-access course.

Training accessible through validation of prior learning.

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How to register

Selection is based on an application.


M1 application form to be sent to the following address:


M2 application form to be sent to the following address:


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Tuition fees

For students:


For adults returning to school, for professionalization contracts and for VAE, consult the: SEFCO.

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And then

Professional integration

Graduates will go on to occupy positions in innovation, research and development in sectors linked to energy (use, control, production...), the environment (pollution control, treatment, prevention, risk analysis...), or transport (automotive, aeronautics, new fuels). The RE Master's degree leads either directly to a job at executive or senior executive level, or to a doctorate in fundamental or applied research, in the private or public sector (see details for each course). A strong emphasis is placed on professionalization, through specific modules led by experts in the fields of energy, the environment or transport, project modules on instrumented sites (pilot laboratories, observation sites), and long-term internships in a professional environment (4 to 5 months in M1, 5 to 6 months in M2) in France or abroad.

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