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Science, Technology, Health

Master of Life Sciences - Minerve Excellence Course - GPEX

  • Duration

    4 semesters

  • Component

    Faculty of Science & Technology

  • Location(s)



This master's program offers a " Minerve Excellence pathway ". This is a selective "Graduate Program ofExcellence", GPEx, which is part of the "MINERVE" project FRANCE 2030 "ExcellencES sous toutes ses formes" obtained by the University of Orléans. Based on the traditional disciplinary Master's course(s), and anchored in the research community of universities and research organizations, this program offers training reinvented BY and FOR Research, with a multidisciplinary and digital orientation , leading to a career as a research engineer or researcher via the doctorate.

Students selected for the Minerve GPEx Excellence pathway will benefit from :

- personalized modularity of teaching: 80% of courses from the chosen disciplinary Master's program, 20% of high-level complementary units offered "à la carte", to be chosen from other Master's programs, and 20% of additional trans- or inter-disciplinary units;

- access to innovative educational, technical and digital tools ;

-continuous immersion in a research laboratory/department during the Master's program;

- personalized support, developed as part of this project;

- a collaborative project mode ;

- an M1 excellence scholarship;

- funding to complete the M2 apprenticeship in a research laboratory.

In addition to the disciplinary Master's degree, this course will lead to the award of an additional DU "Diplôme Universitaire Minerve" (Minerva University Diploma ).

The Master's degree in Life Sciences is an interdisciplinary program designed to train new generations of scientists and engineers to meet emerging challenges in the various fields of biology.

The Life Sciences master's degree at the University of Orléans is divided into two tracks: Biotechnologies, Biology, Health (BBS) and Management of Health, Cosmetics and Agri-food Companies (MESC2A).

The first year is largely common to both programs, enabling students in the MESC2A program to acquire dual skills in Life Sciences during the first year, and in management during the second year, which takes place at the IAE, the Orleans University School of Management (see Master in Life Sciences, MESC2A program).

The BBS pathway aims to train students to master the concepts and tools needed to exploit recent advances in biotechnology, biology and biochemistry at the interface with physics and chemistry.

These courses address the understanding of physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms at the organismal, cellular, molecular and supramolecular levels.

Following completion of the Master's program, graduates have the option of continuing their studies at doctoral level (bac+8), or entering the workforce Professional integration), with the possibility of gaining access to positions as design engineers, either in public bodies or in the biotechnology sector. In addition, a significant proportion of students choose to pursue a doctorate. Once they have completed their thesis, they can apply for positions in public organizations (as researchers or teacher-researchers), in industry (as project managers), in innovation agencies or in consulting firms (as scientific consultants).

Additional information: The number of graduates posted on the MonMaster platform represents only graduates from the BBS program (graduates from the MESC2A program are posted by IAE Orléans).

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The Master's program offers a number of courses that will enable students to develop :

  • Fundamental and cross-disciplinary knowledge of biotechnology, molecular/cellular biology, genetics, immunology, neuroscience and structural biology.

In addition to courses specific to each field, an essential common core enables students to deepen their understanding of the scientific approach, through courses such as scientific project design and development, literature analysis and synthesis, scientific communication, both written and oral, in French and English, and teamwork. What's more, the two compulsory internships - 2 months in 1st year and the one that spans the whole of semester 4 of the second year - offer real hands-on experience. This is made possible by close links with life science research in laboratories affiliated to the University of Orléans, as well as with other French and international laboratories. Indeed, from the second semester onwards, students have the opportunity to validate a semester or internship abroad (Erasmus program or Hors-Europe with partner universities).

  • experimental practices essential to the various disciplines taught. The 1st and 2nd year internships give students the opportunity to work as part of a research team.
    During their internships, students are expected to acquire the autonomy they need to carry out experiments with scientific rigor and curiosity. They will learn to work as part of a team, to organize and manage priorities, and to analyze, synthesize and present information and results from the scientific literature.
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Useful contacts

UFR Sciences & Techniques
Biology-Biochemistry Department
1 rue de Chartres - 45067 Orléans cedex

Minerve U-GPEX Excellence Program :
aide.minerve @ univ-orleans.fr

Department secretary : 
secretariat-bio.st @ univ-orleans.fr
Tel: 02 38 41 70 99 - 02 38 41 70 97

Schooling :



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Program available soon

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Admission requirements

This Excellence Minerve Master's program recruits in M1 only for the 2-year Master's cycle. The Excellence Minerve pathway is a demanding one, requiring an excellent disciplinary level, a pronounced taste for research and multidisciplinarity, and a clear desire to pursue a career in research through a doctorate.

M1 access only:

  • Admission to M1 for students holding a Bachelor's degree in the discipline or equivalent from any French university.
  • Admission to M1 by application for other students, in particular holders of another bachelor's degree from the school or other universities, a foreign equivalent or an adapted BUT3.

Maintenance available if required.

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How to register

Tuition fees

And then

Professional integration

Sectors of activity :

Basic and applied scientific research in public
organizations (University, CNRS, INSERM, INRA, IFREMER, etc.)
Research & Development (R&D) in private companies
(biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, agri-food, biomedical, animal and plant protection)

Research careers in the life sciences:
- Researchers, Teachers - Researchers
- R&D or Production Managers
- Research Engineers
- Research Assistants

Professions related to biotechnology and biomedical activities:
- Project manager
- Clinical research associate
- Consultant
- Bio-industry sales and marketing manager

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