4 semesters
Faculty of Science & Technology
The MESC2A specialization of the Life Sciences Master's degree is aimed at students with initial scientific training in biotechnology, biology, physiology, genetics, biochemistry and, more generally, in fields related to life sciences.
Its aim is to acquire additional management skills to facilitate professional integration and/or subsequent career development, enabling graduates to apply for positions requiring both expertise in a scientific field and general knowledge of corporate management tools.
The first year of the Master's degree is taught in common with the Biotechnologies, Molecular and Cellular Biology specialization, while the second year takes place entirely at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Management, I.A.E. (Institut d'Administration des Entreprises) of the University of Orléans.
- Additional information: The number of graduates in 2021 represents graduates from the Biotechnologies, Molecular and Cellular Biology pathway, i.e. 20 students. The second year of the MESC2A pathway is carried out at the IAE of the University of Orléans.
On completion of the course, graduates will be able to:
- work at executive level in a company, primarily in the agri-food, health (pharmaceutical and biomedical industries) and cosmetics sectors
- manage a project or activity in its entirety, interfacing with various functions within the company
- communicate using a variety of media, and in English
- manage a team and apply interpersonal skills
Knowledge imparted : theoretical (disciplinary or cross-disciplinary) and practical knowledge to be mobilized
- fundamental business management tools (accounting/finance, marketing, production)
- standards relating to quality management and environmental control
- project and innovation management
- documentary research, regulatory watch
- management of meetings with agendas and drafting of minutes
- prospecting and communication techniques.
Useful contacts
Master 1
UFR Sciences & Technique
Biology-Biochemistry Department
1 rue de Chartres - 45067 Orléans cedex 2
Training coordinators :
William MEME
william.meme @ univ-orleans.fr
Department secretary :
secretariat-bio.st @ univ-orleans.fr
Tel: -
Master 2
UFR Droit, Economie et Gestion
IAE - école Universitaire de Management
Rue de Blois - B.P 26739 - 45067 Orléans cedex 2
iae @ univ-orleans.fr
Tel: 02 38 41 70 28
Schooling :
masters.st @ univ-orleans.fr
Program available soon
Business management
Molecular and cellular biology
Cellular signalling
Quality, safety and environmental management
Innovation and project management
Marketing and markets
Professional integration
Admission requirements
- Life sciences,
- Biology-Biochemistry-Biotechnologies,
- Cell Biology and Physiology, Plant Biology and Chemistry
- Chemistry
Other bachelor's degrees or other diplomas after validation of prior learning
Candidates are required to submit an application.
How to register
M1 application form to be sent to the following address:
M2 application form to be sent to the following address:
Tuition fees
For students:
For adults returning to school; consult SEFCO.
For apprenticeship training:
And then
Professional integration
Business sectors:
R&D and/or production in biology-related technology industries, such as agri-food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, biomedical, biotechnology, plant and animal production
Consulting firms (regulatory monitoring, project management or organizational consulting (particularly for setting up quality standards)
Retail (management)
Industrial quality management and engineering,
Quality management consulting,
Customer technical support and assistance, research, R&D, management
and HSE engineering,
Sales force, key account and corporate sales relations, technical-commercial relations,
Department management in mass distribution,
Product management.