4 semesters
Faculty of Science & Technology
The aim of the Master's degree in Adapted Physical Activity and Health (APA-S), INgienierie de l'Activité physique, Pathologies chroniques et Personnes Agées (INAPPA), is to equip students with scientific, technological and professional skills in APA and health. This pathway enables students to take on responsibility for coordinating APA actions or projects with people suffering from chronic pathologies or the elderly who are unable to engage in physical activity under ordinary conditions, and who have specific health needs.
1. Master and develop theoretical knowledge of APA and health
2. Design and implement an innovative, methodical APA project to improve health
3. Adopt a reflective and ethical stance in relation to vulnerable populations, and demonstrate the ability to adapt
4. Know how to access resources and be able to produce university dissertations or communication materials
5. Know the latest advances in research on physical activity and health
6. Know how to identify and apply for funding
7. Know how to approach partners and build up a relevant network in the field of APA and health.
Useful contacts
UFR Sciences & Techniques
Département STAPS
2, allée du château - 45067 Orléans cedex
Department secretary :
Tel: 02 38 49 49 32
Head of department :
Head of M1 :
sandrine.schiano-lomoriello @ univ-orleans.fr
Schooling :
masters.st @ univ-orleans.fr
Program available soon
Admission requirements
Admission to M1 : Holders of a Licence APA-S (or other STAPS bachelor's degrees and others after dossier review and/or interview with the training team). Possibility of VAE
Admission to M2: access to M2 is automatic for holders of the M1 APA-S from Orléans.
How to register
M1 application form to be sent to the following address:
M2 application form to be sent to the following address:
Tuition fees
For students:
For adults returning to school, for professionalization contracts and for VAE, consult the: SEFCO
And then
Further studies
Doctoral studies possible.
Professional integration
APA-health professionals :
- APA teacher-coordinator, project manager, executives in various structures catering for people with chronic or elderly pathologies (retirement homes; EHPAD; associations; general and specialized hospitals, rehabilitation centers; local authorities...).
- Entrepreneur with innovative projects in the field of APA-Health
- Manager of training courses for people with special needs
- Expert assessor, ABS consulting and auditing
- Research professions (study engineer, research engineer, clinical research associate, etc.)
Access to registration for various civil service recruitment competitions (Ministry of National Education, local authorities and judicial youth protection).