4 semesters
Faculty of Science & Technology
EIPA training in Motor Ergonomics
Since 2004, this program has been training professionals in ergonomics intervention and research. Students in the Ergonomics of Motricity program are trained to take part in a wide range of projects, aimed at understanding the complexity of situations, designing or transforming objects, tools, environments, information systems, facilities/organizations, training systems and knowledge capitalization systems. As the program is designed to train ergonomics professionals, a 9-week internship is compulsory in M1, and a sandwich course is organized in M2 (2 weeks at university / 3 weeks in the workplace), with 100% of students on apprenticeship or professionalization contracts.
The courses are multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary in nature, focusing on the analysis of human activity at work.
The theoretical foundations of these courses are based on sociology, anthropology, psychology, physiology and health technologies. The pedagogical approach favors autonomy, know-how and learning in context.
The skills developed in the course are: analyzing a request/proposing an intervention; carrying out motor ergonomics; knowing how to access resources; producing activity records and reports; designing in an innovative and methodical way.
Developing participative ergonomics; soft skills, ethics.
1. Analyze a request/propose an intervention
Prospecting and entering the motor ergonomics market;
Know how to reformulate or define a request, define a field of investigation and the relevance of
missions with regard to training ;
Identify/negotiate favorable conditions for an intervention (duration, working environment, resources).
2. Ergonomics of motor skills
Design and implement a process for analyzing activity in "real" situations;
Mastering data collection and processing methods (observation, recording, etc.)
digital, interviews, questionnaires, rating tools, sensors, metrology);
Know and mobilize relevant theoretical models and concepts of human activity.
3. Access to resources
Identify and solicit experts, and maintain a socio-technical, scientific and bibliographical watch;
Know and use ergonomic information channels: mailing lists, networks, symposia, study days, etc;
Networking skills ;
Gather documentation (existing data, regulations) and know how to prioritize the level of detail.
relevance of sources.
4. Produce activity logs and reports - Design innovatively and methodically
Develop skills in producing deliverables: written documents, communication supports, etc.
adapted to the needs and culture of the target audience:
- upstream of a project (response to a call for tenders, project proposal, request for proposal, etc.)
financing) ;
- during the intervention (progress summary, interim report, internal communication) ;
- at the end of the intervention (assessment, recommendations, records for the structure, university dissertation, mode of operation, etc.).
scientific articles, demonstrators);
Innovate and be creative.
5. Developing participative ergonomics
Involve stakeholders throughout the intervention process: from analysis to implementation.
from activity to design ;
Knowing how to take into account the vulnerabilities of participants in any collective work ;
Propose recommendations for simulated future work or usage situations, using
the creativity of the players ;
Contribute to the development of players, particularly through the mastery of tools for
awareness and ownership of their activities;
Create conditions for collective validation and evaluation of transformations.
6. Know-how, ethics
Know how to coordinate your work with different players and bodies (departments, functions, professions) and
knowledge of different socio-professional environments (management systems, work organization, etc.)
work, corporate cultures) ;
Respect and ensure respect for work frameworks (prerogatives, deadlines, confidentiality, etc.).
data, individual roles);
Exercising responsibility in the right way: being firm, coherent and organized while
diplomacy, ability to listen and adapt;
Integrity in the pursuit of ergonomics objectives.
Useful contacts
UFR Sciences & Techniques
Département STAPS
2, allée du Château 45067 Orléans cedex
Department secretary :
secretariat-staps.st @ univ-orleans.fr
Tel: 02 38 49 47 40
Schooling :
masters.st @ univ-orleans.fr
Special features
The M2 year is organized as a single 100% sandwich course, which means that all students are salaried employees.
The Master Ergomot is a member of the Réseau des Ecoles de Management et d'Ingénierie de la Santé (REMIS), winner of the IDEFI call for tenders from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), which rewards and finances "Initiatives of Excellence in Innovative Training" (2012 - 2020);
Master 1
Semester 1
Intervention concepts
Physical Activities for Personal Development and Health
English applied to professionalization
Strategic and Operational Project Management
Professional Integration and Business Creation
Introduction to Ergonomics Practice
Motor Ergonomics
Professional Practice of Ergonomics
Ethics of Ergonomic Intervention Situations
Experience transfer and ergonomic case studies
Ergonomics, Methods, Prevention
Method 1: Observation and interview techniques
Risk, Prevention, Safety (FOAD)
Semester 2
Ergonomics and Situational Approaches
Ergonomics of Disability Situations
Ergonomics, Material Objects, Cognition and Know-How
Ergonomics fields
Sensory approaches and neuroergonomics
Ergomot meetings
English applied to Ergonomics
Health Technology
Method 2: Data collection tools
Ergonomics of Physical Environments
Internship (9 weeks)
Master 2
Semester 3
Epistemology and Fields of Ergonomics
Ergonomics and Situations of Vulnerability
Health Eco-Technology
Ergonomics and Devices in Health Technology
Bioprosthetics and Cobotics
Ergonomics, Activities and Methods
Activity analysis: Physiological and biomechanical constraints
Methods 3: Data processing - Signal analysis
Professional experience 1
Tutored project
Stage Théâtre
Exchange of experience 1
Work-study program (over 1 year, 3 weeks on the job / 2 weeks at university)
Semester 4
Ergonomics and Working Conditions
Ergonomics of working conditions and Collectives
Suffering at work: Analysis and treatment
Ergonomics, Training and Design
Method 4: Training through reflective analysis of one's activity
Ergonomics of Training and Learning Situations
Design, Simulation, Health
Professional experience 2
Tutored project
Ergomot meetings
Exchange of experience 2
Work-study program (over 1 year, 3 weeks on the job / 2 weeks at university)
Admission requirements
Admission to the Master's program may vary according to the type of course.
Master 1 is open to students with a STAPS degree, but also to: holders of a Humanities and Social Sciences, Life Sciences or Education degree; holders of a degree in HSE, QSE or Logistics; engineering students; professionals or those returning to study (VA 1985) and VAE. Master 2 is open to students who have successfully completed their M1 "Ergonomics of Motricity", or on the basis of a favorable application by the training team: to students holding another M1 / M2 (after examination of the project); to professionals enrolled in VA and VAE schemes.
As the M2 is a sandwich course (under an apprenticeship or professionalization contract), it is essential that students wishing to enter the M2 who have not completed the M1 EIPA Ergonomics of Motricity contact the Training team 6 months before the start of the M2.
How to register
M1 application form to be sent to the following address:
M2 application form to be sent to the following address:
Tuition fees
For students:
For adults returning to school, for professionalization contracts and for VAE, consult SEFCO.
contact form
Tel: 02 38 41 71 80
For apprenticeship training :
And then
Further studies
Further study
The M2's research orientation enables enrolment in a doctoral thesis
Professional integration
Ergonomist for various organizations and structures
Inter-company occupational health services (member of a multidisciplinary team). State civil service (universities, local government departments). Hospitals (hospitals, nursing homes, etc.). Territorial civil service (town councils, inter-communal bodies, departmental councils, regional councils, etc.). Associations carrying out public service missions (Comète network, SAMETH, etc.). Public establishments (INRETS, LCPC, IRD, LNE, ADEME, INERIS, etc.). Public administrative establishments. In companies (human resources, production, health, safety, environment, quality). Research and development (R&D) departments. Ergonomist or consultant within an employers' group, cluster or business cluster. Support structures for a network of companies, private establishments carrying out public service missions (CARSAT, MSA, ARACT, INRS).
Trades with ergonomic value
Sports manager; health, safety and environment manager; human resources manager; working conditions improvement manager. Prevention training manager