4 semesters
Faculty of Science & Technology
The Master STAPS mention Entraînement, Optimisation de la Performance Sportive (EOPS) - Entraînement Psychologique Préparation Physique et Réathlétisation Sportive (E3PR) is composed of two typical courses:
Sport psychology (SP)
Physical preparation and reathletization (PPR)
A training program with an international outlook
The Master STAPS in EOPS is an international, cross-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary course, some of which is taught in English.
This curriculum offers EOPS students the opportunity to go abroad for a period of study and/or internship in Europe as part of the ERASMUS program, taking advantage of the many Erasmus agreements with our various European partners (e.g. in Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Germany, Austria...), or as part of the ATHENA alliance, taking advantage of the current network of universities (e.g. in Vigo, Porto).
Double Diploma in Sport Psychology
Possibility of taking a course leading to a Double Diploma in Sport Psychology with the University of Thessaly in Greece, with ERASMUS funding.
Research-oriented training
- labelled "GPEx" (Graduate Program of Excellence) as part of the MINERVE project (France 2030).
- supported by the "SAPRéM" federative research structure (Sport, Physical Activity, Rehabilitation and Motricity for Performance and Health) and our partner research laboratories.
The aim of the course is to :
- equip students with scientific, technological and professional knowledge and skills in the fields of sports psychology, physiology, biology and biomechanics, applied to the design, organization and development :
- coaching and psychological support in sports environments (PS)
- physical preparation training for reathletization (PPR)
2. train professionals capable of designing, organizing and implementing projects in the fields of mental preparation and sport psychology (PS) and physical preparation and reathletization (PPR).
On completion of the Master STAPS in EOPS-E3PR, the graduate will have the scientific, professional and sporting skills listed in the Référenciel National des Certifications Professionnelles; RNCP32169
Useful contacts
UFR Scienes & Techniques
2, allée du Château - 45067 Orléans cedex
Schooling :
masters.st @ univ-orleans.fr
Tel: 02 38 49 49 32
Master EOPS - E3PR - PS and PPR pathways
Specific courses by pathway and skills block (some examples)
Sport Psychology course
Cross-disciplinary skills :
- Personal and professional development;
- Research methodology;
- Group dynamics;
- Performance analysis;
- Psychological aspects of injury;
- New technologies and sustainable development;
Disciplinary skills :
- Organizational psychology;
- Psychology applied to sports performance;
- Practice analysis;
- Health benefits and risks of physical activity and sport;
Professional skills :
- Ethics and deontology;
- Analysis of practices;
- Tutored project;
- Theory in practice;
- Internships and dissertations (M1 and M2)
Physical preparation and reathletization course
Cross-disciplinary skills :
- Personal and professional development;
- Research methodology;
- Group dynamics;
- Performance analysis;
- Psychological aspects of injury;
- New technologies and sustainable development;
Disciplinary skills :
- Training loads, planning and evaluation;
- Reathletization techniques;
- Injuries: Prevention and Prophylaxis;
- Training and recovery management;
Professional skills :
- Ethics and deontology;
- Tutored project;
- Physiological - biological - biomechanical factors in performance
- Theory in practice;
- Internships and dissertations (M1 and M2)
Admission requirements
Sports psychology course: holders of either a STAPS degree in sports training (ES) or a degree in psychology.
Physical preparation and reathletization pathway: hold either a STAPS degree in sports training (ES) or a DE - Masseur-Kinésithérapeute.
How to register
Sports psychology course: holders of either a STAPS degree in sports training (ES) or a degree in psychology.
Physical preparation and reathletization pathway: hold either a STAPS degree in sports training (ES) or a DE - Masseur-Kinésithérapeute.
Application form at https://www.monmaster.gouv.fr/
Tuition fees
For students:
For adults returning to school, for professionalization contracts and for VAE, consult SEFCO.
contact form
Tel: 02 38 41 71 80
And then
Further studies
1. Professional integration :
- Sports psychology (SP): jobs as mental trainers or sports psychologists
- Physical Preparation and Re-athletization (PPR): jobs for physical trainers with a specialization in re-athletizing
2. Further studies :