4 semesters
Faculty of Science & Technology
This master's program offers a " Minerve Excellence pathway ". This is a selective "Graduate Program ofExcellence", GPEx, which is part of the "MINERVE" project FRANCE 2030 "ExcellencES sous toutes ses formes" obtained by the University of Orléans. Based on the traditional disciplinary Master's course(s), and anchored in the research community of universities and research organizations, this program offers training reinvented BY and FOR Research, with a multidisciplinary and digital orientation , leading to a career as a research engineer or researcher via the doctorate.
Students selected for the Minerve GPEx Excellence pathway will benefit from :
- personalized modularity of teaching: 80% of courses from the chosen disciplinary Master's program, 20% of high-level complementary units offered "à la carte", to be chosen from other Master's programs, and 20% of additional trans- or inter-disciplinary units;
- access to innovative educational, technical and digital tools ;
-continuous immersion in a research laboratory/department during the Master's program;
- personalized support, developed as part of this project;
- a collaborative project mode ;
- an M1 excellence scholarship;
- funding to complete the M2 apprenticeship in a research laboratory.
In addition to the disciplinary Master's degree, this course will lead to the award of an additional DU "Diplôme Universitaire Minerve" (Minerva University Diploma ).
The Master's degree in Fundamental Physics and Applications (PhyFA) Minerve Excellence Pathway declines in the options corresponding to two areas of excellence of the Orléans research clusters:
- condensed matter and MR radiation physics
- physics of the space environment SSA
The first year of M1 is entirely a core curriculum, to provide students with a solid foundation of knowledge and skills in physics and in theoretical, numerical and experimental tools, enabling them to easily integrate the two M2s: MR and SSA, or even other physics masters.
The aim of the MR option is to provide students with high-level research training in the physics of condensed matter (heterogeneous and/or disordered materials, nanostructures) and the interactions between radiation (waves or particles) and matter. M2 offers intensive training in the major contribution of radiation in condensed matter, to probe matter in ever finer detail, and radiation as a tool for designing or optimizing matter (innovative materials). The aim is to provide students with a high degree of adaptability, which is essential today if they are to respond to new scientific questions and constantly evolving industrial challenges, notably in the fields of materials for energy, cosmetics, pollution control, nanosciences, biomaterials, metrology, etc. The regional community's extensive involvement in national and international projects and networks, as well as the major instruments with which it is associated, will give this course a high profile, offering numerous career opportunities, particularly in international doctoral theses or industrial partnerships.
The aim of the SSA option is to provide high-level research training in the physics of the space environment, drawing on the internationally-recognized skills of the Orléans space cluster. M2 offers intensive training "in space through space" (entirely in English), with strong student involvement in space projects (satellites) and ground-based projects (Nançay radio astronomy station) with high international visibility. The M2 program covers the basics of radio astronomy, space physics and space propulsion. The aim of this Master's program is to train students who will either go on to a doctoral thesis in the disciplines covered by the Master's program, or join a company in the R&D field.
In addition to projects, a 3 to 5-month internship is carried out in M1, followed by a full-year apprenticeship in a research laboratory in M2.
Useful contacts
UFR Sciences & Techniques
Département Physique
1, rue de Chartres - 45067 Orléans cedex 2
Minerve U-GPEX Excellence Program :
aide.minerve @ univ-orleans.fr
MR course manager :
Pascal Andreazza
Department secretary :
secretariat-physique.st @ univ-orleans.fr
Tel: 02 38 41 70 43
Schooling :
masters.st @ univ-orleans.fr
Special features
Support from research laboratories
This Master's degree in Fundamental Physics and Applications "Matter and Radiation" is essentially based on the "Energy, Materials, Earth System, Space" cluster, which comprises 8 laboratories and 4 research federations, and represents a research potential of around 250 researchers, including 130 HDRs.
GREMI (Groupe de Recherches sur l'Energétique des Milieux Ionisés) UMR CNRS 6606
ICMN (Interfaces, Confinement, Materials and Nanostructures) UMR CNRS 7374
ISTO (Orleans Institute of Earth Sciences) UMR CNRS 7327
CEMHTI (Extreme Material Conditions - High Temperature/Irradiation) UPR CNRS 3079
This pathway is not limited to the perimeter of this cluster, it also has a strong partnership with biophysicists of the laboratory CBM laboratory (Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire) UPR 4301.
These laboratories will welcome students for practical work (on their instrumental platform equipment) as well as for projects and internships, as they already do in both M1 and M2, as part of the current Masters courses, and their staff (university and CNRS) will take part in the teaching.
In line with its strategy of structuring research around centers of excellence, the University of Orléans has created a "Graduate School Orléans Numérique" (GSON) for Digital Transformation and Big Data in Science and Society, which will offer complementary training in digital sciences to Master's students.
Links with national and international programs
The University of Orléans, and in particular the laboratories involved in this Master's program, bring together a large community of researchers and teacher-researchers who have a high international profile, participate in European networks and are equipped with major national and European facilities. More than 400 people contribute to the visibility of this research on a regional, national and international scale, thanks in particular to the LabEx VOLTAIRE, the EquipEx PLANEX, the regional program Ambition Recherche Développement ARD 2020 Pivots, Lavoisier and Cosmetosciences, and the future ARD Matériaux.
The MR pathway is associated with national and international networks, and these networks will be put to good use in training courses (courses, conferences on current issues), in proposing subjects for study projects, in hosting students for internships, etc. We strongly encourage students to carry out their internships abroad. We strongly encourage students to carry out their internships abroad.
It should be noted that this Master's program is perfectly aligned with the "Energy, Materials, Earth and Universe Sciences" Doctoral School (EMSTU) co-accredited by the Universities of Orléans and Tours, and INSA Centre Val de Loire, one of the doctoral schools of the ComUE Centre Val de Loire currently undergoing accreditation.
Links with the socio-economic world
For the MR pathway, the "Fundamental Physics and Applications" Master's training team relies on:
- on the experience of previous Masters courses, which has enabled us to build up an extensive network of industrial partnerships, with companies such as STMicroelectronics, Air Liquide, EDF, ALTEN, Hutchinson, SAFRAN, EXTIA, SNECMA and CORIAL, which have hired students over the past two years.
- the partnership with engineering school Polytech'Orléans, which will enable us to benefit from the school's industrial network
The Master will also benefit from contacts forged between laboratories and competitiveness clusters: S2E2, Elastopôle and Cosmetic Valley.
Master 1 (année 1 - year 1) mandatory for all students
Semester 1
Quantum mechanics (6 ECTS) - 22 h (C) - 20 h (TD)
Atomic and molecular physics - spectroscopy (6 ECTS) - 18 h (C) - 18 h (TD)
General relativity (5 ECTS) - 16 h (C) - 8 h (TD)
Statistical physics (6 ECTS) - 24 h (C) - 24 h (TD)
Project (2 ECTS) - 10 h (TD)
Professional integration (2 ECTS) - 12 h (TD)
English (3 ECTS) - 24 h (TD)
Semester 2
Condensed matter physics (4 ECTS) - 18 h (C) - 18 h (TD)
Plasma physics (4 ECTS) - 18 h (C) - 18 h (TD)
Instrumental experiments - Data analysis (4 ECTS)
Applications - Case studies (2 ECTS) - 4 h (C) -
Digital Experiments (3 ECTS) - 12 h (C) - 12 h (TD)
English (3 ECTS) - 24 h (TD)
Scientific project and conference (2 ECTS) - 10 h (TD)
Internship (8 ECTS) - 4 h (C)
Master 2 (année 2 - year 2) Specialisation Matière et Rayonnements - Matter and Radiation
Semester 3
Nano-objets et nanotechnologies/ Nano-objects and nanotechnologies (3 ECTS) - 10 h (C) - 10 h (TD)
Physique des surfaces et des interfaces/ Surface-interface Physics (3 ECTS) - 10 h (C) - 10 h (TD)
Thermodynamique des matériaux : des cristaux à la matière désordonnée/ Thermodynamics of Materials: from crystal to disorder (3 ECTS) - 10 h (C) - 10 h (TD)
Matière molle/ Soft Matter (3 ECTS) - 10 h (C) - 10 h (TD)
Milieux poreux/ Porous media (3 ECTS) - 10 h (C) - 10 h (TD)
Plasma-condensed matter interactions/ Interactions Plasma et matière condensée (2 ECTS) - 12 h (C) - 12 h (TD)
Ion-condensed matter interactions/ Interactions faisceau d'ions et matière condensée (2 ECTS) - 8 h (C) - 8 h (TD)
Diffusion des rayonnements/ Radiation scattering (2 ECTS) - 10 h (C) - 10 h (TD)
Spectroscopies (2 ECTS) - 10 h (C) - 10 h (TD)
Imageries/ Imaging (2 ECTS) - 10 h (C) - 10 h (TD)
Physique expérimentale en matière condensée/Experimental physics in condensed matter (3 ECTS)
Project approach and quality / Approche Projet et Qualité (1 ECTS) - 6 h (C) - 6 h (TD)
Seminars / Seminars (1 ECTS) - 6 h (C) -
Semester 4
Internship / Stage (22 ECTS) - 4 h (C)
Project-colloquium/ Projet-colloque (8 ECTS) - 12 h (TD)
- In addition to the disciplinary units taught over these two years, a significant amount of time is devoted to building the student's professional project, as well as to learning English. Non-English-speaking students are required to prepare for and take the TOEIC exam.
- An introduction to the world of research and business is included in M1 to enable students to finalize their career plans, with an overview of research in the Master's specialties and a presentation of non-academic employment, with testimonials from former students currently working in industry and academia.
- Teamwork and project management are also an integral part of the curriculum, with numerous projects, a scientific symposium that M1 and M2 students will have to organize jointly, and a UE dedicated to learning how to set up projects. Internships in M1 and M2 are also compulsory, enabling students to discover laboratories and companies in France and abroad.
Admission requirements
This Excellence Minerve Master's program recruits in M1 only for the 2-year Master's cycle. The Excellence Minerve pathway is a demanding one, requiring an excellent disciplinary level, a pronounced taste for research and multidisciplinarity, and a clear desire to pursue a career in research through a doctorate.
M1 access only:
- Admission to M1 for students holding a Bachelor's degree in the discipline or equivalent from any French university.
- Admission to M1 by application for other students, in particular holders of another bachelor's degree from the school or other universities, a foreign equivalent or an adapted BUT3.
Maintenance available if required.
How to register
M1 application form to be sent to the following address:
Tuition fees
For students:
For adults returning to school; consult SEFCO.
And then
Further studies
Doctoral thesis (100% of students who wish to do so)
Professional integration
Direct professional integration or after a doctorate in industry or academia in advanced materials, nanotechnology, energy, cosmetics, etc.
- R&D Engineer
- Technological innovation researcher
- Materials design engineer
- Materials analysis department manager
- Process-methods engineer
- Test engineer, Design engineer
- Technology watch
- Control engineer, Metrology engineer