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Arts, Literature, Languages

Master Lettres - Creative writing course

  • Duration

    4 semesters

  • Component

    Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

  • Location(s)



The Master of Arts in creative writing :

This course offers high-level training in a variety of disciplines to students intending to pursue careers in the writing profession. It strikes a particular balance between theoretical research seminars in French and comparative literature (seminars shared with the Research course) and individual creative workshops, some of which are supervised by authors.

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The program is designed to develop both artistic and intellectual qualities, offering practical writing and reading skills backed by a solid theoretical foundation; it is therefore at once creative, theoretical and methodological.It is geared towards the professions of writing and literary culture, with the involvement of professionals, notably for the "creative writing" section and for the supervision of the creative thesis. In addition to these professionalizing courses in the form of practical workshops and critical approaches to the cultural field, the program includes courses on extreme contemporary literature and literary creation in the digital age, as well as modules geared towards professional integration.

In addition to these courses, students prepare an individual creative dissertation in M2.


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The learning of fundamental techniques (use of documentary and bibliographical resources, academic writing standards, development of appropriate theoretical and methodological frameworks) and the deepening of skills specific to expression (production of synthetic and analytical works, oral communication) prepare students for the analysis of a variety of written texts (literature, written and oral press, etc.), giving them the means to design and carry out a research project and, more generally, to effectively interrogate the contemporary world via the discourses it produces.


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Useful contacts


02 38 49 47 73



Tel: 02 38 41 71 72

E-mail :


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Knowledge control

Teaching units are assessed by continuous assessment and/or written and oral final exams. They are definitively acquired once the student has obtained an average grade, and are assigned a coefficient and European credits. Compensations are made over the semester on the basis of the overall average of grades obtained in the various teaching units, weighted by coefficients. Two assessment sessions are organized for each semester.

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Special features

This specialization offers students in-depth training through three types of courses: fundamental courses (EF) in the form of
research seminars, professionalization courses (EP) in the form of practical workshops, and complementary courses (EC).

Students can also take optional internships, which are available at

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This specialization offers students in-depth training through three types of courses: fundamental courses (EF) in the form of research seminars, professionalization courses (EP) in the form of practical workshops, and complementary courses (EC).

In addition to the various types of teaching, students are required to prepare an individual creative dissertation in M2. The various stages in its preparation are validated each semester, with the defense taking place in semester 4.

 Program subject to approval by the CFVU Training and University Life Commission

 Master 1

Semester 1

  • EF French literature; Literary theory.

  • EP Bibliography methodology; Digital tools for literature research; Professional integration.

  • EC Study of a work or introductory seminar; Modern language or Latin.

Semester 2


  • EF Comparative literature; French literature; Film analysis
  • EP Text editing; Research experience.
  • EC Study of a work or introductory seminar; Modern language or Latin.

Master 2

Semester 3

  • EF French literature; Literature and images.
  • EP The making of an article; Oral scientific communication; Discovering the agrégation.
  • EC Modern language.

Semester 4

  • EF Comparative literature; Literature in context.
  • EP Supervised research workshop; Research experience.

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Admission requirements

Application to the Master Lettres 'Création littéraire' course is open to students with a bachelor's degree (preferably in the humanities: literature, arts, languages...). Prior experience of creative writing is desirable.

Application via monmaster.gouv.fr.

The course is open to students with a Bachelor's degree in Literature, Literature-Language, Humanities or Performing Arts via the 'Mon master' platform, as part of the
continuing educationprogram (SEFCO).

Teachers of humanities can join the course with partial validation of prior learning.

For all other enrolment requirements, please contact the School Office. masters.llsh[at]univ-orleans.fr

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How to register

M1 application form to be sent to the following address:


 M2 application form to be sent to the following address:


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Tuition fees

For students:


For adults returning to school; consult SEFCO.

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And then

Further studies

Possibility of pursuing a doctorate.

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Professional integration

 The trades we're considering

  • Writing and creative writing :

- author, scriptwriter, dialogue writer, proofreader, rewriter, editor (multimedia, technical), public writer...

  • Cultural activities and mediation :

- workshop leader (writing, reading), mediator
(popularizing science, educational outreach)...

  • Literary accompaniment professions :

- literary agent, literary consultant ;

  • Information and communication professions ;
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